'Osbournes: Reloaded': New Preview Clip Available

March 19, 2009

Another "Osbournes: Reloaded" preview clip has been posted online and can be viewed below.

The new Fox variety-style show starring Ozzy Osbourne, his wife/manager Sharon and their children Jack and Kelly will premiere on Tuesday, March 31.

According to The Week, the first six episodes include "a blindfolded audience member duped into kissing a grandmother, a visit from Pam Anderson (complete with wardrobe malfunction) and "Candid Camera"-style video of The Prince of Darkness slinging burgers at a fast-food drive-through.

"We are letting them go as far as they can. They are raunchy and funny and also a warm, real family," Mike Darnell, president of alternative entertainment on the Fox network, told reporters last month.

"It is family viewing. We might have a few old age pensioners being kissed, and stripping grandmas, but it is all good clean fun. There is nothing mean-spirited about it," Darnell said.

"The word 'variety' frightens us. No disrespect to other variety shows of the past. It's just not what we do. We're not going to be Sonny and Cher-ing it," Kelly Osbourne said.

Asked why he had agreed to do the new show, Ozzy told Billboard.com, "I'm willing to try anything once ... We are a very dysfunctional family, doing a very dysfunctional show." As for how he had changed since doing "The Osbournes" ended in 2006, he replied, "I put a new suit on this morning"

Only six episodes have been shot. Producers said they would wait and see how the show was received before making any more.

Ozzy told The Pulse of Radio in 2007 that following the completion of "The Osbournes", he wasn't interested in doing another TV show right away. "'The Osbournes' was like an experiment that went way over what I ever expected it to do," he said. "Sharon and I have been offered so much TV stuff, but I can't stand it, you know. I mean, I don't like to see me on TV, I don't like to see me on film or anything, you know."

For more information, visit www.fox.com/osbournes.

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