OZZFEST Review: PHILIP ANSELMO Enjoyed Sound Of His Own Voice More Than Sound Of His Band

July 29, 2004

Winda Benedetti of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer the Ozzfest 2004 traveling festival when it hit the White River Amphitheater Tuesday (July 27).

"In one of the more bizarre scenes from a day full of bizarre scenes, a man in a wheelchair actually surfed the roiling mosh pit as SLIPKNOT launched into the buzz-saw tune 'Heretic Anthem'," she wrote.

" 'I thought I'd seen it all but that's some serious (bleep) right there,' said SLIPKNOT screamer Corey Taylor.

"As it turns out, two of the poorer performances of the day actually took place on the main stage. Egomaniacal 'singer' Phil Anselmo (he of PANTERA fame) seemed to enjoy the sound of his own voice more than the sound of his rock. Backed by new band SUPERJOINT RITUAL, he couldn't seem to shut his yapper as he droned on about the state of hard-core music and the state of war.

" 'I know there's a bunch of cry babies about the war but if we weren't the ones who did it, nobody else would have,' he announced. Conservatives take note: This is the same wanker who went on to mouth the words 'White Power!' as he executed a few Hitler-esque hand gestures.

"Moving on. Despite their giant spikey boots and black and white face paint, Norwegian band DIMMU BORGIR didn't come off haunting so much as they did hilarious (as in tee-hee-hee!) One got the sense Tuesday that these boys wanted oh so badly to be taken seriously, and yet their dirgelike anthems pregnant with melodramatic church organ-style keyboards inspired little more than snickers and snoozes." Read more.

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