OZZY OSBOURNE Cancels Appearance At Phoenix's 'Mad Monster Party': He 'Is Unable To Travel At This Time'

June 26, 2024

Ozzy Osbourne has canceled his appearance at Mad Monster Party, which runs from Friday, July 12 to Sunday, July 14 at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa in Westgate in Glendale, Arizona.

On Tuesday (June 25),Ozzy's wife and manager Sharon Osbourne shared a video message in which she said: "Regretfully, the Osbourne family have to cancel our upcoming appearance at the Mad Monster Party in Phoenix because Ozzy is unable to travel at this time. However, Jack [Ozzy and Sharon's son] will be there flying the flag for the Osbournes.

"Everybody who bought the Osbourne package will, of course, get full refunds.

"We would like to thank you all for your constant support. It means so much to him, you have no idea. And all I can do is apologize that we won't be there and I'm apologizing for people we've let down from my heart.

"So God bless you all. Thank you so much."

The legendary BLACK SABBATH frontman was diagnosed in 2003 with Parkin 2 — a very rare genetic form of Parkinson's. During a TV appearance in January 2020, the singer disclosed that he was 'stricken" with the disease which occurs when the nerve cells of the body degenerate and levels of dopamine are reduced. Dopamine is an essential chemical that is produced by these nerve cells which send signals to different parts of the brain to control movements of the body.

Parkinson's disease is an incurable progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects an estimated one million Americans, more men than women and most often in people over age 60. The disease is not fatal but it increases the risk of pneumonia, falls and other conditions that may lead to death.

Last November, Ozzy spoke to Rolling Stone UK about the possibility of returning to the live stage. He said: "I'm taking it one day at a time, and if I can perform again, I will. But it's been like saying farewell to the best relationship of my life. At the start of my illness, when I stopped touring, I was really pissed off with myself, the doctors, and the world. But as time has gone on, I've just gone, 'Well, maybe I've just got to accept that fact.

"I'm not going to get up there and do a half-hearted Ozzy looking for sympathy. What's the fucking point in that? I'm not going up there in a fucking wheelchair. I've seen Phil Collins perform recently, and he's got virtually the same problems as me. He gets up there in a wheelchair. But I couldn't do that."

Ozzy went on to pay tribute to his fans who made it possible for him to have a five-plus-decade career, first with SABBATH and then as a solo artist.

"That's one of the things I've been the most fucking pissed off at: I never got the chance to say goodbye or thank you," he said. "Because my fans are what it's all about. If I can just do a few gigs… They've been loyal to me for fucking years. They write to me, they know all about my dogs. It's my extended family really, and they give us the lifestyle we have. For whatever reason, that's my goal to work to. To do those shows. If it's at Ozzfest or somewhere, or even a fucking gig at the Roundhouse [in London]

"If I can't continue doing shows on a regular basis, I just want to be well enough to do one show where I can say, 'Hi guys, thanks so much for my life.' That's what I'm working towards, and if I drop down dead at the end of it, I'll die a happy man."

Earlier in November, Ozzy and Sharon's son Jack told The Messenger that his father's days of hitting the road are likely behind him. "I don't think he'll tour again," Jack said. "But he's gunning to do one-off shows — like festivals, gigs, things like that."

"He's not done yet," he added.

Last September, Ozzy opened up about his series of operations in an interview with Metal Hammer as he shared his hopes of making "one more album" and a return to touring.

"I've had all the surgery now, thank God," the 75-year-old said. "I'm feeling okay. It was just dragging on. I thought I'd be back on my feet months ago. I just couldn't get used to this mode of living, constantly having something wrong. I can't walk properly yet, but I'm not in any pain anymore and the surgery on my spine went great."

Osbourne also discussed his plans for 2024, saying: "I'm getting myself fit. I've done two albums fairly recently [2020's 'Ordinary Man' and 2022's 'Patient Number 9'], but I want to do one more album and then go back on the road."

Last July, the BLACK SABBATH singer canceled his appearance at the Power Trip festival due to his ongoing physical ailments.

Ozzy's health issues, including suffering a nasty fall and dislodging metal rods placed in his spine following a quad-bike accident in 2003, as well as catching COVID-19 more than two years ago, forced him to cancel some of his previously announced tours.

While Osbourne's health issues forced him to scrap most of his live appearances, the musician said he would return if his condition improved.

Osbourne's previously announced European tour with guests JUDAS PRIEST, originally set for 2019 and then rescheduled three times, was officially canceled in early February 2023.

Despite his health problems, Osbourne has performed a couple of times in the last two years, including at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham in August 2022 and at the NFL halftime show at the season opener Los Angeles Rams and Buffalo Bills game in September 2022.

These kinds of posts are no fun but I hope the fans will understand. Ozzy really, really wanted to attend Mad Monster Party in AZ next month but unfortunately his doctor said he has to sit this one out. Let's all wish Ozzy the best and a speedy recovery. Also Jack will be bringing pre-signed items to be sold at the show for those wanting to get something signed by Ozzy or the family.

Posted by Sean Clark on Tuesday, June 25, 2024

We are excited to be working with The Osbourne's for a signing at Mad Monster Party this July!

Send-in your own items...

Posted by Twin Cities Comics on Thursday, April 18, 2024

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