September 24, 2010

OZZY OSBOURNE/FIREWIND guitarist Gus G. is featured on the cover of the October 2010 issue of the Musician's Friend catalog, the world's largest direct seller of music gear.

Watch the exclusive video interview below where Gus discusses his influences, schooling, his career with FIREWIND, landing the Ozzy gig and his affinity for Blackstar amps.

Gus G.'s new instructional DVD for Rock House, "Lead & Rhythm Techniques", will be released on October 17. In this program, Gus reveals the secrets that have propelled him into the guitar stratosphere and shows you how to incorporate them into your playing. Learn the natural minor and Phrygian major scales, patterns, scale sequences and full neck runs he uses to take control of the fret board to form soulful leads that rip into shred masterpieces. Learn diminished sweep and chromatic arpeggios, emotional bending techniques and how to create a minor 3rd harmony lead. Gus reveals the chords, voicings, syncopated, pivoting staccato, interval, and clean picked rhythms that form the foundation of his style. He analyzes many of his FIREWIND leads and song structures complete with full band backing tracks that you can use the apply what you learn.

DVD includes:

* More than 40 lessons
* 46-page interactive tab book you print from DVD
* Free lifetime web membership for online support
* Behind-the-scenes photos and video
* Interview, live performances & more
* iPod-ready video

Language: English
Length: 120 minutes
Zones: The DVD is zoned to play anywhere in the world

"Lead & Rhythm Techniques" is available for pre-order at this location.

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