OZZY OSBOURNE: New Live Album On The Way?

June 10, 2003

OZZY OSBOURNE announced from the stage during his headlining performance at Winnipeg Arena in Winnipeg Sunday night (June 8) that the show was being recorded for an upcoming live album. No further information is available at this time.

In other news, The Enquirer recently caught up with Ozzy after he sprinted like a pro for more than four miles without a break — more than 16 laps around UCLA's quarter-mile track. The once-flabby singer showed off his trim physique and said, "Working out, and especially running, is my new addiction. It's replaced the drink and drugs that I used to do. It's how I get high now — naturally. I can't pretend that I haven't fallen off the wagon, but right now I'm clean and sober and feeling better than I have in a long, long time."

"My diet consists of nonfat cottage cheese, fruit and turkey," revealed Ozzy. "Instead of having breakfast, lunch and dinner, I'll have a bit of protein in the morning, then I'll have a protein shake about noon. And then at 2 p.m. I'll have some turkey. I try to eat about eight times a day — but in much smaller portions . . . [In the old days] I-I-I would eat anything, but with a 12-pack of beer inside me," he said. "Then I'm on the phone, and smoking pot. I'm eating fucking burritos up the ying-yang, fucking pizzas, any shit. I think I'm the only guy who's ever been to Japan and come back heavier. I came back in February 2002 weighing like 190 pounds, and I'm now 160 pounds," said the 5-foot-10 singer. "All my mistakes — all my stupid fuck-ups — I can categorically tell you are a direct result of alcohol and drugs or both. I don't have those in my life right now. And I'm happier and healthier than I've ever been!" Read more, and check out exclusive photos, here.

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