OZZY OSBOURNE Talks About Upcoming FOX Variety Show
January 13, 2009Scott Collins of the Los Angeles Times has posted a couple of short excerpts from a press conference that Ozzy Osbourne and his wife Sharon gave earlier today (Tuesday, January 13) in Universal City, California about their new Fox variety show, "Osbournes: Reloaded".
"Osbournes: Reloaded", starring Ozzy, Sharon and their children Jack and Kelly, taped its first episode on December 7. The program, the first of six in the series, was taped before a live audience of around 600 people at CBS Television City. One source compared the show to British variety programs and said it did not resemble the recent variety program hosted by Rosie O'Donnell, which was a massive ratings dud for NBC just before Thanksgiving.
The same source said the show featured a mix of sketches, stunts, and taped segments, as well as "a ton of audience interaction." Most of the sketches reportedly parodied the "zoned-out" personality cultivated for Ozzy on the family's smash MTV reality series, "The Osbournes".
On "The Osbournes":
Ozzy: "I for a long time couldn't understand why people were going so wild for it. It was just the way we are. ... 'The Osbournes' was just a reality thing. Now everybody does it."
Sharon: "We were absolutely the best. Everything else that came was just crap."
On how the new show, which depends heavily on skits and audience interaction, has forced the family to do a lot more work:
Ozzy: "The reality show was easy. We thought that everything else in television was easy 'till we did this show. It's like a 9-to-5 job."
Ozzy told The Pulse of Radio in 2007 that following the completion of "The Osbournes", he wasn't interested in doing another TV show right away. "'The Osbournes' was like an experiment that went way over what I ever expected it to do," he said. "Sharon and I have been offered so much TV stuff, but I can't stand it, you know. I mean, I don't like to see me on TV, I don't like to see me on film or anything, you know."
"Osbournes: Reloaded" is expected to air sometime in early 2009.
Ozzy is also working on a new studio album to follow up 2007's "Black Rain".
Photo below courtesy of Ozzy.com: