OZZY's Sister Says He Deserved To Be Robbed

November 28, 2004

Ozzy Osbourne's elder sister has told a British newspaper that he deserved to be robbed as payback for the similar crimes he committed in his youth.

Gillian Hemming, 59, says Ozzy's teenage past came back to haunt him when his Buckinghamshire mansion was hit by a $3.6 million (£2 million) raid last week (Nov. 22).

When he was 17-years-old, Ozzy — real name John Michael Osbourne — served a two-month prison sentence for breaking into a clothes shop in Birmingham, England and stealing women's stockings.

Hemming says,"The stockings he took were only worth a few quid and his burglary cost him £2 million.

"He's paid for it now, hasn't he? It's like bad karma."

According to icBirmingham.co.uk, Ozzy raided the home of a 63 year-old woman neighbour in his teenage years — an incident strikingly similar to his own horrendous experience last week.

Other criminal exploits included breaking into gas and electricity meters at school to steal cash.

A teenage Ozzy also broke into the Sarah Clarke clothing shop on Witton Road, Aston, planning to steal sweaters before selling them on.

But the raid was anticipated by cops and Ozzy ended up being caught red-handed.

He was charged with breaking and entering and stealing goods to the value of £25. He was later convicted and fined £40 — a sum he could not afford to pay.

And because Ozzy's father, John Osbourne Senior, refused to bail his son, the young tearaway ended up serving three grim months in Winson Green prison.

Young Ozzy — then known as just plain John — was a farcical flop as a thief.

He had turned his hand to a variety of different jobs including working in a slaughterhouse, a funeral home and as a horn-tester in the local Lucas car factory.

"The only reason I worked was to pay for all the pills I took," said Ozzy. "Mostly speed. The occasional Seconal to sleep.

"Then I did what most unemployed drug-taking alcoholics do. I turned to crime.

"Obviously I wasn't a criminal. Despite ripping off gas meters and climbing through the window of the old lady who lived next door to us, I didn't have a criminal mind-set.

"I proved that one night when the cops caught me coming out of a clothing shop carrying about £25 worth of merchandise I'd just burgled.

"'Don't you have gloves?' one of the cops asked. I was like, 'Yeah, I do. I left 'em inside.' I went back in and returned with the last bit of evidence they needed."

Ozzy ended up serving six weeks of his sentence — and hated every minute of it. While behind bars, he tattoed the trademark "OZZY" on his knuckles. Read more.

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