PANTERA Bassist REX BROWN Rejoins SPECTOR Artist Roster

December 13, 2024

Spector Bass has announced the return of legendary PANTERA bassist Rex Brown to its official artist roster. This reunion marks a significant milestone, celebrating the long-standing synergy between Rex's unparalleled talent and Spector's renowned design and craftsmanship.

Brown, a pivotal figure in the heavy metal scene, has long been recognized for his commanding presence and the dynamic bass lines that helped shape PANTERA's iconic sound. A key component to PANTERA's legendary sound was Rex's use of Spector basses, specifically on "Far Beyond Driven", "The Great Southern Trendkill" and "Reinventing The Steel" albums and subsequent tours. When the mighty PANTERA returned to the stage, Rex brought his Spectors along knowing that only those basses could deliver the tone needed for those anthemic songs.

Rex said: "Spector basses have been a staple of my sound since '93! I've been fortunate enough to play 'em and beat the hell out of 'em for all of these years! The tonal mixtures of their basses have grown into legend. I couldn't be happier to come back to Spector after all these years, a company on the cutting edge of brilliance!"

Taylor McLam, Spector custom shop sales/ artist relations, added: "Rex Brown and PANTERA changed heavy music forever, becoming icons in the metal genre. Spector basses were instrumental in achieving the band's signature sound, which makes it fitting to officially welcome him back. I'm excited to see what we can create as we head into 2025."

Rex Brown's long-standing association with Spector is a testament to the enduring legacy of the brand's high-quality basses and unmistakable sound. This collaboration promises exciting future endeavors, including the development of signature models in 2025.

For more information about Spector, visit

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