PANTERA Visits BLACK SABBATH Bench In Birmingham (Photos)

June 19, 2024

The reformed PANTERA made a special diversion during the band's trip to the United Kingdom last weekend to visit the BLACK SABBATH bench in Birmingham.

PANTERA's classic-lineup members Philip Anselmo (vocals) and Rex Brown (bass),along with Zakk Wylde (guitar, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, OZZY OSBOURNE) and Charlie Benante (drums, ANTHRAX),were playing at the Download festival at Donington Park near Derby, but they made sure they first paid tribute to Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler and Bill Ward at the bench on Broad Street.

PANTERA shared a few photos of the visit to the BLACK SABBATH bench and wrote in an accompanying caption: "We couldn't pass through Birmingham without paying a visit to Black Sabbath Bridge! Thanks to everyone at Download for a great show. We can't wait to come back and play for you next year."

Mike Olley, general manager of Westside Business Improvement District, and the man behind the bench project, said: "We are always thrilled to see visitors paying tribute to BLACK SABBATH, and it's even more exciting when those visitors are themselves such top names.

"Once again the BLACK SABBATH bench has shown how it is attracting metal fans from around the world."

The heavy metal bench was first installed by Westside Business Improvement District on the renamed Black Sabbath Bridge across the canal on the city's "golden mile" of Broad Street back in June 2019.

Since then, the bench has arguably become Birmingham and the West Midlands' biggest-used piece of "engagement public art".

The "heavy metal" bench on Black Sabbath Bridge features Iommi, Osbourne, Butler and Ward and sits above the canal off Broad Street. It was officially opened by Geezer and Tony in June 2019 and has since attracted thousands of BLACK SABBATH fans and media from all over the world.

The handmade stainless-steel bench was forged in the city by Gateway Steel Fabrications and features images of Osbourne, Iommi, Butler and Ward with the words "Geezer. Ozzy. Tony. Bill. Made in Birmingham 1968" etched on it.

BLACK SABBATH super-fan Mohammed Osama came up with the idea and worked closely with Westside Business Improvement District on the project.

The bench's artwork was created by Egyptian artist Tarek Abdelkawi.

We couldn’t pass through Birmingham without paying a visit to Black Sabbath Bridge! Thanks to everyone at Download for a...

Posted by Pantera on Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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