PEARL JAM Cancels London Concert Due To Illness

June 28, 2024

PEARL JAM has canceled its June 29 concert at London, United Kingdom's Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.

Singer Eddie Vedder was suffering from vocal issues during PEARL JAM's concert on Tuesday (June 25) at Manchester Co-op Live after picking up an illness following the band's show in Dublin.

Earlier today (Friday, June 28),the Seattle rockers issued the following statement via social media: "The PEARL JAM concert scheduled for Saturday, June 29th at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London has regrettably been canceled due to illness in the band.

"This decision was the last thing we wanted to have to make, especially as we know so many of you made travel plans based on the tour schedule. There was simply no other option based on our current health and also having to avoid further damage.

"We couldn't be more disappointed to not play one of our favorite cities this tour. Despite best efforts, rescheduling was not possible at this time due to existing schedule commitments.

"We are deeply grateful for your support and sincerely apologize to the incredible PEARL JAM community for the inconvenience and disappointment. Tickets will be refunded at point of purchase."

PEARL JAM is scheduled to perform in Berlin, Germany next week.

The band is continuing to tour in support of its twelfth studio album, "Dark Matter", which was released in April via Monkeywrench Records/Republic Records.

In 2023, PEARL JAM retreated to Rick Rubin's Shangri-La Studio in Malibu, California where they simply plugged in and played under producer Andrew Watt's watch. Writing and recording in a burst of inspiration, "Dark Matter" was born in just three weeks.

The Pearl Jam concert scheduled for Saturday, June 29th at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London has regrettably been...

Posted by Pearl Jam on Friday, June 28, 2024

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