POPPY Releases Single 'New Way Out'

June 4, 2024

Singer, songwriter, subversive performance artist, video director and purveyor of surrealist chaos Poppy returns with her latest genre-defying single, "New Way Out", released today via Sumerian Records. This track masterfully blends hard-hitting rock with captivating industrial pop, highlighting Poppy's dynamic vocals. Her seamless transition from pleading clean singing to passionate screams brings to life the song's message of self-growth and pulling oneself back from the edge, especially in the powerful chorus: "'cause they push to pull me down, and I'm forced to face who I've become, the silence screams so loud, I caught myself before the bottom... I need a new way, give me a new way out."

The new song follows on the heels of Poppy's recent successful collaborations: BAD OMENS' "V.A.N.", currently climbing the Active Rock Radio charts and has entered the top 15 at the format, and KNOCKED LOOSE's "Suffocate", which broke into the top 10 on Spotify's Viral 50 USA playlist. Poppy brings something special and very different to both releases, showing her versatility as an artist.

2024 is already a monumental year for Poppy's live performances. In January, she kicked things off by joining BAD OMENS on the "Concrete Forever" tour across Europe, followed by her headlining her own "Zig" tour throughout the region. In March, Poppy came back stateside and supported AVENGED SEVENFOLD on their month-long North American tour. This summer, she'll be opening for THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS on their North American run.

Originating from a dance background, Poppy's first steps in the creative world began with performance art video vignettes. These vignettes evolved, allowing the unique, multi-hyphenate performer to dig deep visually and experiment sonically to create something entirely new. After initially signing to Los Angeles's Sumerian Records, she released her album, 2020's "I Disagree", to much acclaim. Disregarding labels and genres, it tallied over 100 million streams, and the song "Bloodmoney" earned a Grammy nomination for "Best Metal Performance", the first-ever solo female artist nominated in the category.

Poppy's 2023 "Zig" is a reflection of an artist who has been in the public eye since her late teens coming into her own in her late twenties as a woman who knows what she wants and who she is. Pairing immersive, roiling electronics with candy-coated vocals, songs on "Zig" bubble just under the skin. At times, the music's cool lacquer gives way to Poppy's own lacerating screamed lyrics, the perfect complement to dislodging the songs' pointed pop edges. Since its release, "Zig" has earned over 12 million streams globally, launching Poppy to 663 million streams globally. It also reached No. 8 on Billboard's Current Alternative Albums chart and No. 9 on Billboard's Current Rock Albums chart.

Photo credit: Sam Cannon

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