POWERMAN 5000 Drop Off MUDVAYNE Tour, Blame Declining Record Sales

October 1, 2003

POWERMAN 5000 have withdrawn from their tour with MUDVAYNE, FINGERTIGHT and V-SHAPED MIND after their tour support was reportedly pulled by their record company, Dreamworks Records.

The band's frontman, Spider One, has posted the following message explaining the situation:

"Alright, everybody. I know you're all anxious to know what's going on with this tour news, so I'm here to fill you in. Basically, the music business is in the toilet - no one is buying CDs, and less and less people are going to see bands live. Every major label in America has lost an obscene amount of money this year and it's getting worse every day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to feel sorry for the labels, but the reality is this: if they're not making any money, you better believe your favorite band isn't doing too well either. So this brings me to the topic of PM5K on tour with MUDVAYNE. To be honest with you, this was the best tour we have been a part of all year!! Every show was incredible and the guys in MUDVAYNE are all very cool!! But unfortunately we are being forced to cut it short for business reasons beyond our control. This is not a situation we are very happy about at all. Sorry to all who will miss out, I wish it didn't have to be this way. But don't overreact either, since we are only talking about missing out on two weeks of shows. And I want to make it clear that the band has not broken up or been dropped from Dreamworks!! We have played about 150 shows since we hit the road back in April and it's just time for a break. Hopefully we will start touring again in the new year, so hang in there!! Again, we can't apologize enough to all of you for this situation, but everything will work out one way or another.

"In the meantime, get ready for a little surprize coming up real soon [reported to a proper release of the band's 'scrapped' 2001 album, 'Anyone For Doomsday?'—Ed.]. What surprize? you ask. Let's just say this - don't waste any more money on Ebay...."

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