RANDY RHOADS's Brother KELLE RHOADS Is Recovering After 'Severe Stroke'

May 5, 2024

Kelle Rhoads, the 72-year-old brother of legendary OZZY OSBOURNE guitarist Randy Rhoads, is recovering after suffering a "severe stroke".

On Saturday, May 4, Kelle's and Randy's sister Kathy took to her social media to write: "There is no easy way to say this… This is truly a difficult and heartbreaking post. So here it goes:

"One month ago, my brother Kelle suffered a severe stroke. It seemingly came out of nowhere, and it shocked us to the core.

"I can't tell you how painful this has been for our family and [his wife] Veronica. Gut wrenching actually. To even fathom the thought of possibly losing another brother was beyond scary and unfathomable.

"Kelle is slowly recovering and working hard to try and rehabilitate. His sheer determination to get better is not only amazing, but hopeful and impressive. He is daily making progress. Veronica has diligently been by his side to support and help him. Such love and dedication.

"Up to now, our family has kept this private. But we feel the time has come to let you all know. Kelle is generally a very private person. But we think YOUR support, prayers, and good wishes will be good for him. I know it will! So if you should find it in your heart to send a card or letter of love and encouragement, I personally believe that it will boost his sprits and encourage him to work hard! If you find it in your heart to do so, please send to:

Kelle Rhoads c/o
Dargenzio Winery
1204 W.Burbank Blvd
Burbank, California

"I will personally get them to Kelle. Thank you in advance to everyone. I know it will deeply touch him. Our family appreciates your love and support.

"The Rhoads Family

"Please respect his recovery process and give him the space he needs. I will try to keep you all updated."

In 1982, Randy Rhoads, the then-lead guitarist for OZZY OSBOURNE, and two others were killed at Flying Baron Estates, just outside Leesburg, Florida, when their small plane struck Osbourne's tour bus, then crashed into a mansion.

Randy Rhoads and two others were killed on March 19, 1982 when the small plane they were flying in at Flying Baron Estates in Leesburg, Florida struck Ozzy's tour bus, then crashed into a mansion. Rhoads was 25 years old.

Randy's, Kelle's and Kathy's mother Delores Rhoads died in November 2015 at the age of 95.

Randy paid homage to Delores with "Dee", a beautiful classical guitar piece on OZZY OSBOURNE's 1980 album "Blizzard Of Ozz".

Image courtesy of The Metal Voice

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