ROB ZOMBIE Bassist Talks About His New Project THE DEATH RIDERS
September 7, 2004ROB ZOMBIE/ex-OZZY OSBOURNE bassist Rob "Blasko" Nicholson recently spoke to Horror Rock Bass about his new project THE DEATH RIDERS. Several excerpts from the interview follow:
Horror Rock Bass: Can you tell us a little about the band and how the project came together?
Blasko: "Jonny [Coffin, guitar] and I built a relationship through his company Coffin Case. We were hangin' out one day at the shop and he played me some early demo ideas that he and Danny [Daniel Gray, vocals] had been working on. At that moment I knew it was something that we needed to pursue. I thought the stuff was so dark and original, and I really wanted to put some effort into bringing the project to life. It basically became my 'side' project while I was in Rob's band. Once Rob decided to focus on movies, it became my 'main' project. Now here we are talking about it..."
Horror Rock Bass: Now that you guys have started playing (namely "The Mora Show"),how have the fans been receiving you tunes?
Blasko: "'The Mora Show' is an underground TV show. We played on the premiere episode, It should be available some time by the end of the year. We were also able to film a video for our song 'Suffer', which will be up on our site soon. We are currently trying to finish up the record, so no real shows until that is done. We have got Steve Stevens from BILLY IDOL coming in next week to lay down some guest guitar tracks. Should be monstrous!!!"
Horror Rock Bass: What would you like to accomplish with THE DEATH RIDERS?
Blasko: "That's a great question. Right now our main focus is to make a great record. Initially it is most important that the band feels that we have collectively made a great effort. Because as long as we accomplish that, the rest is all gravy. The main purpose of THE DEATH RIDERS is to make a record that the four of us want to hear. If other people catch on and dig it, that's great. But if we bum some people out in the process, that's great too. As an artist you really have to follow your instincts. If you try to impress everybody, you will lose out in the end."
Read Blasko's entire interview with Horror Rock Bass at this location.