ROB ZOMBIE: Official Coloring Book Now Available

December 10, 2024

Neck Bolt Publishing has released the official Rob Zombie coloring book. Loaded with more than 30 coloring pages, cut-out crafts, masks, paper dolls, and other spooky swag, it's the perfect activity for any Rob Zombie fan. The book was illustrated by Pete Bregman, with cover art by Suspiria Vilchez.

Critically acclaimed leading publisher of music books and animation Fantoons had previously released other hard rock- and metal-inspired coloring books, including those dedicated to Ozzy Osbourne, IRON MAIDEN, RUSH, Johnny Ramone and MÖTORHEAD. There have also been Where's Wally-style books devoted to late MÖTORHEAD frontman Lemmy (Where Is Lemmy?),Alice Cooper (Where Is Alice Cooper?) and RUSH (the upcoming "Where's Geddy, Alex, And Neil?).

Back in 2017, artist and designer Laura Marr stated about the growing interest in adult coloring books: "Growing up with the ability to draw, people have often told me 'I wish I could do that.' People want to create art, but there are many reasons why they don't. Whether it's a lack of time or not feeling confident in their skills, the popularity of coloring books over the last few years is a testament to how people enjoy creative expression, for stress relief, relaxation, social interaction and more."

Rob Zombie and Alice Cooper recently completed the 2024 leg of their "Freaks On Parade" tour. The trek marked Zombie's first live appearances with bassist Rob "Blasko" Nicholson in 18 years.

Blasko's return to Rob Zombie was announced in January.

Nicholson rejoined the group just hours after the shock rocker's longtime bassist Matt "Piggy D." Montgomery revealed that he was exiting the band after 18 years.

"After 18 years I am thrilled to announce that Blasko has returned," Zombie wrote on Instagram on January 30. "The original four-string Zombie monster is back. Get ready for a crazy summer of mayhem."

Blasko was a member of Rob Zombie's band from 1997 through 2006, playing bass on the first three Zombie albums: "Hellbilly Deluxe", "The Sinister Urge" and "Educated Horses".

Nicholson left ZOMBIE in May 2006 in order to join Ozzy Osbourne's recording/touring band.

Montgomery's debut performance with ROB ZOMBIE came on May 24, 2006 during an appearance on CBS's "Late Night Show with David Letterman".

Montgomery played bass on the Rob Zombie studio albums "Hellbilly Deluxe 2" (2010),"Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor" (2013),"The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser" (2016) and "The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy" (2021).

In the fall of 2022, John 5 left ROB ZOMBIE to join MÖTLEY CRÜE as the replacement for that band's co-founding guitarist Mick Mars. John 5 has since been replaced in Zombie's band by returning guitarist Mike Riggs.

Rob Zombie's current band consists of Zombie, Riggs, Blasko and drummer Ginger Fish, who has played with Rob since 2011.

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