ROB ZOMBIE To Embark On 'Hellbilly Deluxe 2 Tour' In October

September 14, 2009

Rob Zombie will be destroying a city near you beginning October 29 on the "Hellbilly Deluxe 2 Tour". Not since 1998's super smash triple platinum "Hellbilly Deluxe" has Zombie hit the road under that moniker. So get ready to scream!

This will be Zombie's first headline tour since 2007 and will have other ghoulish delights in tow, including openers NEKROMANTIX and CAPTAIN CLEGG & THE NIGHT CREATURES, last seen rocking Haddonfield and Michael Myers in Zombie's new film "Halloween II". The tour will usher in Zombie's forthcoming album, "Hellbilly Deluxe 2 – Noble Jackals, Penny Dreadfuls and the Systematic Dehumanization of Cool" (Geffen),a companion to 1998 original, which is due on November 10.

The tour will blasts off with Phoenix, AZ on October 29, Las Vegas, NV on October 30, and a very special Halloween event on October 31 in Hollywood, CA hosted by Uncle Seymour Coffins, also seen in "Halloween II". Zombie will be accompanied by his longtime bandmates — guitarist John 5, bassist Piggy D and drummer Tommy Clufetos.

The "Hellbilly Deluxe 2" tour will mark Zombie's return to the road after moderate box office success as the writer and director of "Halloween II" (Dimension). His R-rated, animated feature, "The Haunted World Of El Superbeasto", will be available everywhere on DVD and Blu-ray September 22.

"I am bouncing off the walls like a mental patient," says Zombie. "That tells me it's time to take it to the stage and let the demons loose."

Zombie will return to the stage on October 18, when he co-headlines Loud Park festival in Japan with SLAYER that will also feature PAPA ROACH. Zombie says that touring is always a nice change of pace from making a movie. "Touring is awesome, because making a movie is very, like, meticulous and it's totally, you know, it's, like, very time-consuming," he tells The Pulse of Radio. "You're, when you're the director, you're on seven days a week, all day long — it's this meticulous type of process. So to go on tour, where all we have to do is hold it together for an hour onstage and whatever we do the rest of the time doesn't matter — you can be a complete mental patient — so yeah, touring is the great way to break free from that."

Zombie's third solo album, "Educated Horses", came out in 2006.

"Halloween II", the follow-up to Zombie's successful 2007 remake of the original 1978 horror classic, came in at No. 3 in its opening weekend, earning $17 million at the box office. That's far less than the $31 million his first "Halloween" flick did two years ago.

Zombie's next film will be a remake of "The Blob", which he is slated to begin shooting in the spring of 2010.

Video footage of ROB ZOMBIE performing the song "American Witch" on "The Late Show with David Letterman" on May 24, 2006 can be viewed below.

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