RONNIE JAMES DIO Talks About New Live Album, HEAR 'N AID Project

March 9, 2005

Ronnie James Dio recently spoke to about DIO's new live CD, the companion to the "Evil Or Divine" DVD, and the band's upcoming touring plans, among other topics. A couple of excerpts from the interview follow: The live CD, the companion to the "Evil Or Divine" DVD, is out now. Was it your decision to release that or did it originate at the label? Was it in the plans all along to release both a DVD and CD?

Ronnie James Dio: "No, it wasn't. The first I heard of it was when they told me it was going to happen. It was mainly a decision of the record company to decide to do one more, get one more release out of us because our contract was up. We are signed to someone else. Although I think it's a great idea, it's just another product they can give. It's their last one, really. It's a great idea but I didn't have any control over it. It was their idea and they put it together." When a live record comes out, does it give you a chance to take a little break or am I insane for even thinking you take breaks?

Ronnie James Dio: "I don't ever really get to take a break. I don't think these kind of projects are the albums we're supposed to do anyway. It's a piece of music but I don't want to think that it's supposed to take the place of something else so we could lay around in the sun for a couple of months and do nothing. There's too little time to do that. I just look at it as another piece of product. Any time there is a live thing, it doesn't really come from your creative soul and that's what an album is supposed to be for me. These things are just kinda little passages." There's still an interest in the new HEAR 'N AID project. How is that coming along?

Ronnie James Dio: "We're in the process of finishing the song now. I went through a new format in my studio. It's just a demo studio but I changed to a digital format. The learning curve swatted me with a 2x4, so it's taken me a while to learn the new system. I've finally got it down so we're getting ready to put the finishing touches on the song that will be for Children Of The Night. First, we've gotta get that one song done." Who will be involved this time around?

Ronnie James Dio: "At this particular moment we haven't contacted anyone to be in a particular place at a particular time, if they can. We haven't really got a list of people that are going to do it. We have some people we'd like to ask but we'll have to see what happens with the time consideration." I'm really bummed with the way fans are treating music here in the States. There are a lot of very passionate people when it comes to music — especially when they can voice their opinion while sitting on their ass in a chatroom, message board, or on the Internet somewhere. Some of these very passionate people won't even go see a live show anymore! What's going on? Is there too much entertainment for us to choose from?

Ronnie James Dio: "In this country, absolutely. I think we have so many choices. Trends are blockbusters. When a trend changes it drops on you like a 16-ton weight. Then next one comes along and gives us more choices. Just because someone likes metal doesn't mean they can't like some other kind of music. There are a lot less choices in Europe. A lot more metal bands tour Europe. There's a lot of those choices there. This country has option after option. Culturally, we're different as well. Remember, this is the melting pot with a lot of different ethnic groups. Some of them seperate themselves from the country as a whole. In Europe you've got Germans, Swedes, and they're all united in what they do. In this country we tend to go along lines a lot. That's been divisive as well. At the end of the day you've got people, tastes, the music, and you ultimately make one choice. If you're out on a Friday night and you spend all the money you've just earned getting loaded, you can't afford to go to the show on Saturday. You've got choices. That was a long-winded response, wasn't it!"

Read the entire interview at this location.

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