SABATON: New Album Title Track Available For Streaming

March 24, 2010

"Coat Of Arms", the title track of the forthcoming fifth album from Swedish metallers SABATON, is available for streaming on the band's MySpace page.

"Coat Of Arms" will be released in Europe on May 21 via Nuclear Blast Records. The band's headlining tour, dubbed the "World War Tour", will kick off on August 27 and will consist of over 60 shows in more than 20 countries. The final concert will take place on December 11, after which SABATON "will regroup, rearm and prepare for yet another strike in 2011."

"Coat Of Arms" track listing:

01. Coat Of Arms
02. Midway
03. Uprising
04. Screaming Eagles
05. The Final Solution
06. Aces In Exile
07. Saboteurs
08. Wehrmacht
09. White Death
10. Metal Ripper

A three-minute video clip containing a "proper preview" of the forthcoming CD can be viewed below.

SABATON's latest album, "The Art of War", landed on the Swedish chart at No. 5. The follow-up to 2006's "Attero Dominatus" was recorded at Abyss Studios with producer Peter TÃĪgtgren and was made available in three formats: normal CD, gatefold LP and a limited-editon CD that comes in a DVD package that also includes the exclusive book "The Art of War".

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