SABATON's Animated Film 'The War To End All Wars' Coming To Video Streaming Services

January 14, 2025

Due to overwhelming demand, SABATON's animated film, "The War To End All Wars - The Movie", will hit video streaming services starting March 11 in a wide range of territories. The movie will be available on Apple TV, YouTube Movies, Google Play and Amazon Prime. You can already pre-order it on Apple TV today.

This exciting development means you can enjoy SABATON's film from the comfort of your home on your favorite platform. Relive the epic battles and untold stories of World War 1 like never before.

"The War To End All Wars - The Movie" is the result of years of dedication, research, and collaboration with Yarnhub, a renowned animation studio specializing in historical storytelling.

This 67-minute-long animated musical motion picture takes viewers on a captivating journey through the harrowing and heroic stories of World War 1. It brings to life the remarkable and often untold experiences of those who lived through the Great War. Inspired by the narratives behind the songs of SABATON's tenth studio album, "The War To End All Wars", the film blends historical accuracy with creative artistry, all supported by a powerful musical score. These stories carry deep meaning and are presented in a unique and engaging format. "The War To End All Wars - The Movie" also features animated and live-action appearances by band members.

"The War To End All Wars - The Movie" formed part of a significant charity initiative SABATON launched in 2023, titled "History Rocks". The initiative was created to emphasise the importance of history and encourage communities to engage with and support local museums. As part of this effort, the band donated this animated film to 140 museums, ranging from small local gems to internationally recognized institutions across 30 territories. These museums showcased the film on their premises, with some organizing entire events around the screenings. The initiative not only boosted their global visibility but also connected them with a vibrant and enthusiastic new audience.

In the more than two decades since the band's launch, SABATON has achieved quadruple-platinum sales, headlined major festivals, sold out arena concerts across the globe, and earned a legion of loyal fans by being self-managed and carving out a reputation as one of the most innovative bands in rock.

SABATON combines standout stage design and production with epic concept albums, linking real-life historical war events with classic kick-ass metal. To date, the band has released ten studio albums, amassed six gold, two platinum, and one four-times-platinum awards, seen eight of its albums score Top 10 international chart status, and six claim the Top 5. They have amassed over three billion streams across all streaming platforms and over 1.5 billion views on YouTube.

When SABATON hit the 20-year mark, they headlined both stages at Wacken 2019 — the biggest metal festival in the world — simultaneously. Meanwhile, in 2023 as part of a charity initiative, SABATON donated their full-length animated movie to museums around the world in order to increase awareness and visitor numbers, and successfully encouraged people to support the preservation of history in these establishments.

During SABATON's 25th-anniversary year, the band released the "Tour To End All Tours" concert film, and through independent distribution, it was screened in more than 1,200 cinemas spanning 28 territories.

Photo credit: Ryan Garrison

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