ARCHITECTS Share Music Video For New Single 'Blackhole'

January 14, 2025

British metalcore giants ARCHITECTS have released "Blackhole", the fourth single from their upcoming studio album, "The Sky, The Earth & All Between", due on February 28, 2025 via Epitaph Records.

Paired with a jaw-dropping, cinematic music video shot on location in California, "Blackhole" is as visually striking as it is sonically explosive.

Frontman Sam Carter shares: "So excited to have 'Blackhole' out. It's one of my favorite songs from the album. The video is equally as intense as the song. We filmed the video at such a wild location and we really are at the top of those buildings that you see. This is ARCHITECTS at our most ferocious."

The single marks the next chapter in the lead-up to "The Sky, The Earth & All Between", following the hard-hitting anthems "Whiplash", "Curse" and "Seeing Red". These tracks have already ignited a frenzy among fans and earned the band praise, including spots on the "Most Anticipated Albums Of 2025" lists from the likes of Alternative Press, Kerrang!, Revolver, and Idobi. If these first four single singles are any indication, this album is shaping up to be a defining moment for ARCHITECTS.

Since dropping their critically acclaimed 2022 album "The Classic Symptoms Of A Broken Spirit", ARCHITECTS have cemented their position as one of the U.K.'s most vital rock bands. The past year has seen the band dominate stages worldwide, from being personally tapped by METALLICA to join their tour, to blowing minds at Download festival 2023 and headlining Bloodstock Open Air festival. This summer, they're set to continue their takeover with select dates supporting LINKIN PARK on their world tour.

"The Sky, The Earth & All Between" track listing:

01. Elegy
02. Whiplash
03. Blackhole
04. Everything Ends
05. Brain Dead (feat. House Of Protection)
06. Evil Eyes
07. Landmines
08. Judgement Day (feat. Amira Elfeky)
09. Broken Mirror
10. Curse
11. Seeing Red
12. Chandelier

Photo credit: Ed Mason

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