SEBASTIAN BACH: 'Nobody Has Done For Me What AXL ROSE Has Done'

December 28, 2006

Rock My Monkey recently conducted an interview with former SKID ROW frontman Sebastian Bach. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Rock My Monkey: Now why the name "Angel Down" [for your new solo album]? What's the inspiration?

Sebastian Bach: Oh, wow. Well, it's a song that is on the record that's, I have no idea when the new record is going to be coming out, so it's really weird for me to talk about it right now. But there's been a lot of stuff on the record about, kind of the war was on my mind, having the country at war, and also having a nineteen-year-old son. It's kind of what the youth of America have in the back of their mind. Are they going to get drafted? It very well could happen. It's a scary thing. So that was kind of on my mind when I was writing the lyrics for this record.

Rock My Monkey: How many songs do you have written so far? Is it totally done, and you're just waiting for the legalities to be finished?

Sebastian Bach: We have fourteen songs. The business side of it is really making me miserable right now. I don't know, man, when it's going to come out. I have no fucking idea, truly. It's bumming me out.

Rock My Monkey: As a fan of all the bands that have been involved in the current [GUNS N' ROSES] tour that you're on, and there's certain drama associated with one of them, I've got to ask, "Can't we all get along?"

Sebastian Bach: Well, as far as I knew, the SUICIDE GIRLS got along great. I don't know what you're talking about.

Rock My Monkey: The first band that was replaced by HELMET.

Sebastian Bach: Oh, the EAGLES OF DEATH METAL?

Rock My Monkey: Yeah. Did you get along with them? Did they seem okay with you?

Sebastian Bach: Yeah. I got along with them great. They were very nice guys. The one thing I haven't read in the press, but they don't tell anybody, that everybody knew that that was their first ever arena show. And we were all chuckling at them in soundcheck, because they set up their amps like, one foot behind their feet, like they're playing CBGBs on this arena stage that was half the size of a football field. And we were going, hey dudes, you can set them up back here, you know (laughs). They had never played an arena stage before. The first time I played an arena stage, I sucked, too. They came on stage, and had never done that, and it was evident to everybody in the whole place. That's the way it goes. I've been playing for fifteen years in arenas, and they wanted to go on after me, and the public did not accept that. That's just the way it goes in rock and roll.

Rock My Monkey: It seems the new GUNS N' ROSES, the "Chinese Democracy", might come out around the same time as your new cd. Does this mean even more touring with GNR in 2007?

Sebastian Bach: I hope so. That would be great. That would be killer. Nobody has done for me what Axl has done, as far as establishing me as a solo artist. Axl Rose has been the biggest help to me in that respect. I would definitely love to keep opening for GUNS in 2007. Definitely.

Rock My Monkey: Is there any chance of a Sebastian Bach DVD from this current tour you're doing?

Sebastian Bach: Yeah, that's a very, very big possibility. We've been filming-a lot of the nights GUNS N' ROSES has a full camera setup. A three camera shoot, pro sound, ProTools on the board. I've worked out a deal with the company that's on the road with them where I've got like, I can shoot whatever show I want, full camera setup and full good sound and everything, and I worked out a deal so I can do that. So I got about fifteen shows on video that I can definitely make a DVD with. It's very good quality stuff, so I hope to do something with that, definitely.

Read the entire interview at

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