SHINEDOWN Defends St. Louis Radio Personality From Body-Shaming 'Trolls'
September 22, 2021SHINEDOWN has defended a Missouri radio personality after commenters body shamed her and told her to lose weight.
Ashley "Lux" Mohr of the St. Louis radio station 105.7 The Point was interviewing Brent Smith of SHINEDOWN, the acclaimed rock band behind 16 Number One singles on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart, at Sunday's (September 19) Pointfest when online commenters began to body shame her, telling her to "lose some lbs" and saying she had "let herself go."
Lux, who hosts one of the top-rated radio shows in St. Louis, took to IGTV to call out the body shamers amassing 10,000 views and more than 1,000 comments of support. SHINEDOWN quickly followed with a post of their own, calling her "the most beautiful lady inside, and out in the BUSINESS."
Lux wrote in part: "It's so bizarre that in the dark weird corners of the basement are men analyzing my body. My sack of flesh. When I have zero idea of the existence….like your sack of flesh doesn't even register. That being said, I'm a confident women, who has had her issues with ED. Because of my support system, therapy, and psychiatrist these comments just sound like [clowns] honking their noses. BUT many women and even me on a bad day could be severely impacted by comments like these. These are damaging statements.
"I worry for the daughters and sons these troll raise. I worry for the women they date or marry. I feel sorry for their parents, can't be making em that proud if you spend your days in the comment section of a local radio station talking about a Dj's body. That would embarrass me, if I knew someone like that, let alone raised them.
"Stop with the clown shit behavior and go do literally anything else productive with your day, fuck. The drip of pathetic stinks on ya."
Smith defended Lux in a post of his own, writing: "You are absolutely beautiful inside, and out. We have known each other for a long time, and I have always admired how strong of a person you are , mind, body, and soul. Love you girl".
For decades, the media has pushed unrealistic images of how the female body should look. In recent years, social media has taken body shaming to a new level, with female actors and performers facing online trolling and criticism when they do not conform to the expected norm.
Lux hopes to deter people from judging others' bodies and says she felt great about her outfit and will continue to wear what she wants — and that others should do the same.