SKINDRED Teams Up With Newport County AFC And Lovers FC

December 6, 2024

Welsh ragga metallers SKINDRED have teamed up with Newport County AFC in partnership with the club's kit suppliers, VX3, and their new official creative partners Lovers FC to create a one-off shirt to celebrate the Welsh city's vibrant West Indian / ethnic community through its unique Caribbean-flavored design.

Newport city local legend, rock icon and SKINDRED frontman Benji Webbe comments on the collaboration: "Whether you're black or you're white, the color of your skin doesn't matter, it's your attitudeā€¦ That's what draws Newport together. SKINDRED and Newport are joined at the hip. We have flown the flag for the city from day one. For us to be part of the official strip for my hometown club, especially telling the tale it does, is something dreams are made of. Music and football bring both people together and give them the freedom to be themselves and this kit celebrates that."

This is a personal kit release for all involved. Lovers FC is headed up by local boy and lifelong county supporter Neal Heard. Webbe is from (and still lives in) Newport suburb Pill, and Newport County players Courtney Baker Richardson, Kyle Jameson and Kyle Hudlin, all of West Indian heritage, jumped at the chance to take part in the kit launch shoot.

LOVERS FC with VX3 set to document this in the most authentic way possible and went direct to the source. The shoot celebrates the influence of the solid Caribbean diaspora on Newport, with friends, family and key members of the local community all coming together to hit the local independent music store Kriminal Records along with their favorite dockside local The Ship And Pilot in the heart of the multicultural Pillgwenlly area of the city, putting a focus on the spirit of the city's independent community attitude.

Heard, the club's creative director and Lovers FC founder, added: "We want to explore the city's creative stories and creative storytellers, punching above our weight on and off the pitch is what we will be all about, and through taking design and history seriously we intend to appeal to fans across the globe as much as those in the city itself. The SKINDRED kit is the perfect way to kick this off."

Newport County chairman Huw Jenkins also welcomed the partnership, adding: "We're delighted to team up with SKINDRED, a band that truly represents the spirit of Newport. This collaboration underscores the power of community and shared pride in the city.''

The SKINDRED shirt launched on December 4 to purchase at the club shop in Friars Walk, at the stadium on match days or online at, while it will receive its pitch debut against Carlisle on December 7.

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