SLAYER's TOM ARAYA: DAVE MUSTAINE Is "Wrong Person" To Unite Metal Community

February 20, 2002

SLAYER frontman Tom Araya has slammed MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine over the latter's desperate attempts at regaining the momentum lost during the band's ultimately unsuccessful forays into a more commercial songwriting approach. In an interview with Canada's Jam! Showbiz, Araya stated that "MEGADETHtried [moving into the mainstream] and weren't very successful. Rather than sticking to their guns and trying to go at it with their forte, which is MEGADETH music, they tried to make money and didn't succeed too well.

"Now they're reissuing, remastering, whatever to try to see if they can get that audience back.

"They're now on a campaign to 'try to get the metal community together,' " Tom said referring to well-publicized moves made by Mustaine. " 'Please tour with me, please tour with me! So I can get my audience back,'

"You know, you do what you do. And I don't mean that in a mean way, or a malicious way, but it's like, 'Dude, you did what you did. And I think you've got some great ideas here to try to unite the metal community, but I think you need to start asking whether the metal community wants to unite with you. To rally the metal community is great, but you're the wrong person to do it.' "

And who could?

"Anybody other than him," Araya said with a belly laugh. "Even (METALLICA member James) Hetfield could. And that's saying a lot."

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