SODOM Become First Metal Band To Play Bulgaria Twice

March 2, 2004

Veteran German thrashers SODOM recently became the first metal band to ever play Bulgaria twice, according to The group's stage debut in this Eastern European country took place on September 15, 1991, at the Academic Stadium in front of 12,000 "sodomaniacs." 13 years later, the trio was to be seen at a smaller, but sold-out venue (Hristo Botev Hall).

The event organized by the local promoter Stain Studio began at 7:30 p.m. with a 30-minute performance by Bulgaria's best extreme metal band at the moment, THE REVENGE PROJECT, followed by 110 minutes of all-time thrash metal classics created in the course of the last three decades — from "Witching Metal", "Sodomy & Lust", "Ausgebombt" and "Sodomized", through "Agent Orange", "The Saw Is the Law", "Bombenhagel" and "Remember the Fallen", to "M-16", "Tombstone", "Der Wachturm", "Stalinorgel", and a "merciless" cover version of MOTÖRHEAD's "Ace of Spades".

As previously reported, SODOM are currently compiling footage for their first-ever DVD, which looks likely to be a double-disc release. The band have already sifted through almost 200 hours of video tapes and boxes full of early photos and are currently asking the public's help in locating old/rare/obscure material, especially photos (promotional shots, live pictures, backstage shots, etc.),tour posters, rare releases (picture discs, digipacks, singles etc.),bootlegs (video and audio),video clips (especially the "lost" "Die Stumme Ursel" video),TV appearances, and interviews/reviews (magazines, TV).

Anyone owning this type of material should contact the band at Five people will be randomly picked to win a hand-signed DVD.

Upcoming SODOM shows:

Mar. 06 - Reddighausen, TBA
Mar. 19-21 - Rock Station Festival - Ankara, TUR
Jun. 06 - Gods Of Metal – Milano, ITA
Jul. 31 - Gates Of Metal - Hultsfred, SWE
Aug. 19-21 - Summer Breeze Festival – Abtsgmünd, GER


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