SOPHIE LLOYD Picks METALLICA's 'Master Of Puppets' Over 'Ride The Lightning', Explains Why

January 7, 2025

In a new interview with Radioactive MikeZ, host of the 96.7 KCAL-FM program "Wired In The Empire", British guitar sensation Sophie Lloyd was asked which METALLICA album she thinks is better, "Ride The Lightning" or "Master Of Puppets". She responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "That's a really hard question, but I would have to say 'Master Of Puppets'. That's what got me into METALLICA, a hundred percent. And just the catchiness of the riffs and stuff, everything on that, that was another album that really got me into guitar. But 'Ride The Lightning' is amazing as well."

She added: "Yeah, you can listen to ['Master Of Puppets'] front to back. And, yeah, just how listenable it is — from the first song to the last song, it tells a story throughout it. I think it's a masterpiece."

Sophie released her debut full-length album, "Imposter Syndrome", in 2023. The LP saw Lloyd teaming up with some of rock's biggest names and her own personal heroes to create a stunning collection of work spanning a variety of genres from the rock and metal world. Released totally independently via her own Autumn Records, the album debuted at No. 3 in the rock charts and 11 in the indie charts, receiving rave reviews in the press.

Last October, Sophie played her debut headline show at a sold-out London Underworld. Sophie also announced a concert at the Whisky A Go Go in Hollywood, California on January 16, 2025.

"Imposter Syndrome" featured blazing singles and guest collaborations like "Judge And Jury" (featuring THEORY OF A DEADMAN's Tyler Connolly),"Fall Of Man" (featuring TRIVIUM's Matt Heafy),"Do Or Die" (featuring Nathan James),"Lost" (featuring Cole Rolland),"Runaway" (featuring STEEL PANTHER's Michael Starr),"Hanging On" (featuring Lauren Babic)", "Imposter Syndrome" (featuring HALESTORM's Lzzy Hale) and "Let It Hurt" (featuring BLACK STONE CHERRY's Chris Robertson).

Two years ago, Sophie told Guitar World magazine that PANTERA's "Cowboys From Hell" is one of the top 10 albums that changed her life. "I love how heavy and primal this album is," she said at the time. "Dimebag is one of my biggest inspirations for lead guitar. He always knew how to think outside the box and elevate a song with his soloing."

She added that Joe Satriani's "Surfing With The Alien" was one of the first instrumental guitar albums she ever heard. "I loved the way Joe can tell a story through his music and really take you on a journey," she explained. "I spent a lot of time studying the songs on this album trying to perfect techniques he used and understand his writing style."

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