STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' Performance To Re-Air Tonight

May 27, 2008

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS' performance on ABC-TV's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!", which was taped on May 1, is set to re-air tonight (Tuesday, May 27). Check out the band celebrating the announcement of its highly anticipated reunion and first tour in almost eight years.

Watch the "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" performance below.

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS made their official return to the stage on May 17 in front of tens of thousands when they headlined the first day of the Rock on the Range festival in Columbus, Ohio. Bassist Robert DeLeo told The Pulse of Radio that he wasn't nervous about the band making its comeback in front of such a huge audience. "No, I just feel like there's a lot of myself feeling comfortable with what I do onstage and, you know, sometimes you get in the way of yourself," he said. "And I think we all have those issues once in a while, and I think just keeping an open attitude and just trying to have a positive attitude and enjoy this would be great."

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS have tentative plans to record its first new album since 2001's "Shangri-La-Dee-Da" in November once their current tour ends.


"Trippin On a Hole in a Paper Heart":

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