STRYPER Singer Working On New Solo Album
June 27, 2004STRYPER frontman Michael Sweet has been working on "several different projects" over the past few months, including a brand-new solo album. "We started working on [the new record] in April and it will be finished by mid-July," Sweet writes on his web site. "[Webmaster] Jeff [Wollschlager] and I will be adding a new newsletter giving you specifics and details of the record. I can say this — over all it's heavier than [Sweet's third solo album, 2001's] 'Truth' and a bit more focused musically speaking. I'm very anxious for the release so all of you can hear it. We will be adding samples at www.michaelsweet.com very soon, and Jeff plans to unveil the new site to coincide with the release of the new record! Keep checking www.michaelsweet.com for the latest news. I thank all of you for your interest! Blessings, Michael."