September 11, 2005

Sublife Productions, the newly formed production company started by Kjetil Nordhus (GREEN CARNATION, TRAIL OF TEARS) and Tchort (a.k.a. Terje Vik Schei; CARPATHIAN FOREST, GREEN CARNATION, BLOOD RED THRONE),has launched its official web site at this location.

Sublife Productions will serve as the record label for GREEN CARNATION, HARM, HATEPULSE (featuring Vrangsinn and Kulde from CARPATHIAN FOREST),ZYMBIOTIK and other acts that have yet to be announced. Sublife will also work as a booking agency/management company for the aforementioned acts as well as for CARPATHIAN FOREST, BLOOD RED THRONE, and TRAIL OF TEARS, among others.

The first full-length release from Sublife Productions will be GREEN CARNATION's "The Acoustic Verses", which will be imade available worldwide in January 2006. Plans also exist for Sublife Productions to eventually offer beautiful landscape photos and designs based on Norwegian nature for album covers, booklets, etc.

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