TAYLOR HAWKINS's Cause Of Death: Colombian Police Issue Statement
March 26, 2022Colombian police believe the death of FOO FIGHTERS drummer Taylor Hawkins was drug related.
The 50-year-old musician was found dead in a hotel room at the Casa Medina in Bogota on Friday (March 25).
Earlier today (Saturday, March 26),the Office Of The Attorney General Of Colombia released a statement indicating that a urine toxicological test performed by officials on Taylor Hawkins's body preliminarily found 10 types of substances, including THC (marijuana),antidepressants, benzodiazepine and opioids.
In an official statement, the office said: "Colombia's National State Prosecution Service can confirm the following after the initial autopsy on the body of Taylor Hawkins:
"1) That in the toxicology test on Taylor Hawkins's urine 10 types of substances were preliminarily found, including marijuana, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and opioids.
"2) The National Institute of Forensic Medicine is continuing its medical studies to be able to completely clarify the facts that led to Taylor Hawkins's death.
"3) Colombia’s National State Prosecution Service will continue with its investigation and reveal the results obtained as part of this investigation as appropriate."
A short time after Hawkins's death, the Metropolitan Police Of Bogota released a statement published by several news outlets in Colombia, including Bogota's El Tiempo, in which they said: "According to those close to him, the death could be related to the consumption of narcotic substances." But they cautioned: "The cause of death has yet to be established."
In a statement, the Bogota municipal government said the city's emergency center received a report of a patient with "chest pain" and sent an ambulance on Friday evening. Paramedics attempted to revive him but there was no response and Hawkins was declared dead at the hotel in northern Bogota, the statement added.
Luis Carlos Velez, the director of local radio station La FM, said that a police officer who entered Hawkins's hotel room had told prosecutors he saw a "cocaine-like" white powder. Colombian authorities also "found an empty beer can, an opened bottle of vodka, a Coca-Cola bottle and some other articles which are being analyzed," he said. But he added that "drug use has not been confirmed yet."
Fans, journalists and videographers began to gather outside Casa Medina after Hawkins's death was announced. Ambulances and police cars, including those of judicial police and forensic investigators, could be seen stationed outside of the hotel, which is located in the middle of the financial and commercial centers of Bogota in one of the most historic and traditional buildings of the city. A couple of hours later, Hawkins's body was finally brought out of the hotel, placed into a coroner's van and driven away.
Colombian music and entertainment journalist Alejandro Marintweeted as news of the drummer's death emerged: "Don't begin to blame the country because Taylor died in Colombia if he died of an overdose. Don't be so stupid."
Bogota mayor Claudia López Hernández commented on Hawkins's death, writing in a Twitter message: "The world of music and Bogotá are in mourning for the death of the great Taylor Hawkins. To his family and friends, to the FOO FIGHTERS and to all his fans, our hugs and condolences."
The Bogotá District Health Secretariat said in a statement: "The District Department of Health mourns the death of this talented musician and drummer, widely recognized internationally for his work. In addition, the entity sends its message of condolences to the family, colleagues and followers."
The FOO FIGHTERS were scheduled to perform Friday at the Picnic Stereo festival in Bogota but their performance was canceled.
The band played Lollapalooza Chile on March 18 and Lollapalooza Argentina on March 20. They are scheduled to headline Lollapalooza Brasil on Sunday (March 27).
Hawkins spent two weeks in a coma in 2001 after overdosing in London. He later told Kerrang! magazine: "Everyone has their own path and I took it too far. I was partying in London one night, and I mistakenly did something and it changed everything. I believed the bullshit myth of live hard and fast, die young.
"I'm not here to preach about not doing drugs, because I loved doing drugs, but I just got out of control for a while and it almost got me. I was heading down a road that was going to lead to even worse paths.
"Whether someone's sober, or they like a glass of wine with dinner, or they want a bottle of Jägermeister before they go onstage, or they like to smoke doobies all day long, everyone has their own path, and I took it too far," he added. I'm glad it got knocked on the head at that point. I wouldn't take anything away that I've done or been through either, because it's all part of the trip and the journey. I'm trying to be as candid as I can be. I go mountain biking now."
He said in 2018: "I was partying a lot. I wasn't a junkie per se, but I was partying. There was a year where the partying just got a little too heavy.
"Thank God on some level this guy gave me the wrong line with the wrong thing one night and I woke up going, 'What the fuck happened?' That was a real changing point for me."
In a separate interview with Beats 1, he said: "There's no happy ending with hard drugs," but declined to elaborate on his sobriety. "I don't really discuss how I live my life in that regard," he said. "I have my system that works for me."
Born in Fort Worth, Texas, Hawkins joined FOO FIGHTERS in 1997. Prior to that, he played with the Orange County band SYLVIA and was also in the backing band for Sass Jordan. He also toured with Alanis Morissette as her drummer.
Hawkins was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame last year as a member of the FOO FIGHTERS.
Hawkins's most recent work with FOO FIGHTERS included last year's "Medicine At Midnight" album, a collection of BEE GEES covers and FOO FIGHTERS' horror film "Studio 666".
Hawkins's solo project TAYLOR HAWKINS AND THE COATTAIL RIDERS released its first album in 2006, and a follow-up effort, "Get The Money", in 2019. Other side projects included THE BIRDS OF SATAN and the classic rock cover band CHEVY METAL. More recently, he formed the supergroup NHC with JANE'S ADDICTION members Dave Navarro and Chris Chaney.
Hawkins is survived by his wife Alison, whom he married in 2005, and their three children: Oliver Shane, Annabelle and Everleigh.
#ATENCIÓN | Comunicado oficial de la #Fiscalía General de la Nación sobre la muerte del ciudadano extranjero Taylor Hawkins, baterista de la banda Foo Fighters. pic.twitter.com/K3Z7Ss9wcO
— Fiscalía Colombia (@FiscaliaCol) March 26, 2022
#BreakingNews - Colombian authorities press release confirming 10 substances found #TaylorHawkins - Oficial release does not say overdose. Investigation continues pic.twitter.com/Mrfy07hSWG
— Luis Carlos Vélez 🌎 (@lcvelez) March 26, 2022
#BreakingNews - At #TaylorHawkins room, Colombian authorities found: an empty beer can, an opened bottle of vodka, a Coca-Cola bottle, and some "other articles" being analyzed by authorities
— Luis Carlos Vélez 🌎 (@lcvelez) March 26, 2022
#BreakingNews - A police officer, who entered the room, told @FiscaliaCol he saw a "cocaine" looking powder at #TaylorHawkins room. Drug use has not been confirmed yet
— Luis Carlos Vélez 🌎 (@lcvelez) March 26, 2022
White powder found in Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins' five-star hotel room in Bogota after his sudden 'drug-related' death age 50https://t.co/VtnTAsJVVw@DailyMailUK
— Luis Carlos Vélez 🌎 (@lcvelez) March 26, 2022
Con respecto al fallecimiento del músico estadounidense Taylor Hawkins en la localidad de Chapinero, que se produjo este viernes 25 de marzo en horas de la noche, informamos: pic.twitter.com/hdOJgGCxDi
— Secretaría Distrital de Salud (@SectorSalud) March 26, 2022
🇨🇴#COLOMBIA 🚨#URGENTE | Según las primeras informaciones, uno de los integrantes de Foo Fighters encontró si vida al baterista Taylor Hawkins en el hotel Casa Medina en Bogotá.
La banda iba a presentarse hoy pasada las 7:30 p.m. en el Festival Estéreo Picnic. #RochexRB27pic.twitter.com/poHGAJDHj7
— Rochex R. Robinson Bonilla (@RochexRB27) March 26, 2022
Falleció Taylor HawkinsLa cadena RCN de Colombia ofrece un reporte de lo que ocurre en el Hotel Casa Medina, Four Seasons.
Unidades de criminalistica están presentes en el lugar para adelantar la investigación de rigor. Fans prenden velas en honor de #TaylorHawkinspic.twitter.com/OddHXbd2vF
— Diario Panamá (@DiarioPanama) March 26, 2022
#VicioNoticias 🚨🚨🚨 Llevan a Medicina Legal el cuerpo sin vida de Taylor Hawkins, baterista de la banda de rock Foo Fighters. Falleció en el hotel Casa Medina, en Bogotá. 🚨🚨🚨☹️🥺 pic.twitter.com/jGv3QZnNnm
— Revista Vicio (@revista_vicio) March 26, 2022
#ÚltimoMomento | Este es el momento en que retiran el cuerpo del baterista de Foo Fighters, Taylor Hawkins, en el hotel Casa Medina, en Bogotá, Colombia. Hasta el momento se desconocen las causas del fallecimiento. 👇🏻 pic.twitter.com/1CYzTWTf4o
— En Foco Noticias (@EnFocoNoticias1) March 26, 2022
Este es el momento en que retiran el cuerpo del baterista de Foo Fighters, Taylor Hawkins, en el hotel Casa Medina. El músico falleció este viernes en Bogotá. pic.twitter.com/2kD9PcyfLf
— Ricky Ricón (@Ricardo7ok) March 26, 2022
#AFP , Member's of the Technical Investigation Team transport Foo Fighters' drummer Taylor Hawkins body from a hotel in Bogota on March 26, 2022. Drummer Taylor Hawkins of the multi-Grammy award-winning rock group Foo Fighters has died, his bandmates said in a statement Friday. pic.twitter.com/nyusonipvw
— Juan Barreto IG@juanbarreto1974 (@jbarreto1974) March 26, 2022
La gente a esta hora empieza a aglomerar a los alrededores del Four Seasons hotel Casa Medina en Bogotá, tras conocer la muerte del baterista del Foo Fighters, Taylor Hawkins, de 50 años pic.twitter.com/vBLpMtNIvi
— Veeduría Ciudadana 🇨🇴 (@Veedorciudad21) March 26, 2022
Algunos fanáticos de Foo Fighters (@foofighters) comienzan a llegar al hotel Casa Medina para encender velas como homenaje a Taylor Hawkins, baterista de la banda que falleció este viernes en Bogotá → https://t.co/KMOWLWiaXhpic.twitter.com/RGfpd7eR3k
— W Radio Colombia (@WRadioColombia) March 26, 2022
#Ahora l Así el panorama en el hotel Casa Medina en Bogotá, donde se hospeda la banda Foo Fighters. Esta noche fue confirmada la muerte de Taylor Hawkins.
Fotos @elespectadorpic.twitter.com/xQIlujW9LG— Diario El Mundo (@ElMundoSV) March 26, 2022
Fans lighting candles and leaving flowers outside the hotel where Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins passed away last night in Bogotá, Colombia. Cause of death is still unknown.
Someone has written “Gracias” on the ground pic.twitter.com/1DfFnA1vke
— Megan Janetsky (@meganjanetsky) March 26, 2022
Forensic technicians work outside the Casa Medina hotel, where Taylor Hawkins, drummer of the band Foo Fighters, was staying and died hours before his presentation at the Estereo PicnicFestival,in Bogota,Colombia, March 26, 2022. REUTERS/Mariano Vimos #TaylorHawkins#FooFighterspic.twitter.com/hez5uGRHEW
— Mariano J. Vimos Maciá (@marianojosevimo) March 26, 2022
Mi experiencia en el hotel Four Seasons Casa Medina, esperando para intentar ver a los @foofighters.
Aún me parece increíble.
R.I.P. Taylor Hawkins 😪🕯️😭 pic.twitter.com/45Zae2VzqI
— Carlos Paz [SupraHumano] (@SupraHumanoBand) March 26, 2022
#ÚltimoMomento| Fanáticos de Foo Fighters comienzan a llegar al hotel Casa Medina, en Bogota, colombia, para encender velas como homenaje a Taylor Hawkins. Todavía se desconoce la causa de su fallecimiento. 👇🏻 pic.twitter.com/lADkwWpW2D
— En Foco Noticias (@EnFocoNoticias1) March 26, 2022
A esta hora fanáticos de Foo Fighters despiden al baterista Taylor Hawkins a las afueras del hotel Casa Medina, en el norte de Bogotá, donde el músico falleció. #VocesySonidospic.twitter.com/xwt3JXfZNR
— BluRadio Colombia (@BluRadioCo) March 26, 2022
Seguidores de Taylor Hawkins y de Foo Fighters rinden tributo al baterista fallecido en Bogotá, en el hotel donde perdió la vida. Nos informa @PepeMoronReales en #RCNMundo @rcnradio pic.twitter.com/BevYYQSvnD
— Mao Socarrás (Ibarra) (@IbarraSocarras) March 26, 2022
Con velas, flores y carteles, seguidores de la banda Foo Fighters rinden homenaje a Taylor Hawkins, a las afueras del hotel donde se hospedaba en Bogotá pic.twitter.com/JEfwGKBiSs
— Alex Valdes (@SoyAlexValdes) March 26, 2022
Scene outside the Four Seasons Casa Medina Hotel in #Bogotá hours after Foo Fighter’s Taylor #Hawkins died hours before the rock band was scheduled to play at Estéreo Picnic festival. pic.twitter.com/8s1p51Tixq
— THE CITY PAPER (@citypaperbogota) March 26, 2022
The Four Seasons Casa Medina hotel in #Bogotá where 50-year old drummer Taylor #Hawkins of Foo Fighters died Friday night and an hour before the US rock band was scheduled to play at the #music festival Estereo Picnic. #FooFighterspic.twitter.com/priUMgGtJC
— THE CITY PAPER (@citypaperbogota) March 26, 2022
Fans sing 🎶 outside hotel where Taylor Hawkings died last night in Bogota. Some said his music had been with them “al their lives”. #colombia#FooFighterspic.twitter.com/K98eN1ux9g
— manuel rueda (@ruedareport) March 26, 2022
Seguidores de Foo Fighters y su baterista, Taylor Hawkins, expresan su duelo a las afueras del hotel donde se hospedaba en Bogotá https://t.co/3vijSfZiIJpic.twitter.com/MPIczevuy3
— Noticias Caracol (@NoticiasCaracol) March 26, 2022
El mundo de la música y Bogotá están de luto por el fallecimiento del gran Taylor Hawkins.
A su familia y amigos, a Foo Fighters y a todos sus seguidores nuestro abrazo y condolencias. https://t.co/9xjUVBgoMLpic.twitter.com/ryGNO3SUXu
— Claudia López Hernández (@ClaudiaLopez) March 26, 2022
Fans of Foo Fighters place and light candles outside Casa Medina Hotel where the band's drummer Taylor Hawkins was found dead last night in Bogota, Colombia. @taylorhawkins@foofighters#RIPTaylorHawkins
More #GettyFootage 🎥 Guillermo Legaria ➡️ https://t.co/nO84FsESjvpic.twitter.com/sumV5Q69hJ— Getty Images News (@GettyImagesNews) March 26, 2022
#CulturaTM Siguen acercándose al hotel Casa Medina en Bogotá algunos simpatizantes de Taylor Hawkins, baterista de la agrupación @foofighters fallecido el viernes.#FooFighters#taylorhawkins#festivalestereopicnicpic.twitter.com/q2N5okYkJ6
— Telemedellin (@Telemedellin) March 26, 2022
Just as I arrive in Bogota after more than 2.5 yrs I find out about the shocking passing of Taylor Hawkins here in Colombia. I am stunned. I passed by the hotel in which he died... Super eerie. #TaylorHawkins#Colombia#foofigtherspic.twitter.com/KoTRZOqB09
— Juan Benavides (@jwtf2021) March 26, 2022
#BOGOTÁ | Seguidores de los Foo Fighters continúan llegando al Hotel Four Seasons en el norte de la capital del país, en dónde falleció el baterista de la banda estadounidense, Taylor Hawkins. @CaracolRadio@camivar08gpic.twitter.com/NdcYM4enpU
— ÚltimaHoraCaracol (@UltimaHoraCR) March 26, 2022