THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN Frontman GREG PUCIATO Releases 'Roach Hiss' Solo Song

July 30, 2020

"Roach Hiss", a new song from Greg Puciato, the wildly adaptive musician whose resume ranges from the unpredictable THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN to the pop-infused electro outfit THE BLACK QUEEN and the metal supergroup KILLER BE KILLED, can be streamed below. The track is taken from Greg's debut solo album, "Child Soldier: Creator Of God", which will be released on October 23.

"I'd been writing for so many different projects, DILLINGER, then THE BLACK QUEEN, and KILLER BE KILLED...and I just kept on writing,” explains Puciato of the 15-song album that sees him singing and performing all instruments, save the drums. "It felt as if I had more to say, but nothing that necessarily filled the script of those bands, so I ended up with something that I found to be intensely personal and super satisfying, but also confusing as far as what to do with it. When I realized that it was a solo release, it was sort of an 'oh that's interesting' moment, both terrifying and exciting at once, and challenging, and new, and that combo is almost always a good sign, so I committed to it.

"It's important to continue taking risks in order to grow both your creativity and your future possibilities, to create new avenues and freedoms for yourself, and it also felt like a good time for me to integrate and own everything that I am into one thing, without fragmentation or limitation. I needed to come out from telling myself that I always have to be 'guy in a band,' and to release this as my own name."

"Child Soldier: Creator Of God" was recorded in Los Angeles from the halcyon days of 2019 throughout the early, tumultuous months of 2020. The album was produced by Nick Rowe (VAMPIRE WEEKEND, HAIM) and mixed by Steve Evetts (THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, THE CURE). Participating drummers are Ben Koller, Chris Pennie and Chris Hornbrook.

"Child Soldier: Creator Of God" track listing:

01. Heavy Of Stone
02. Creator Of God
03. Fire For Water
04. Deep Set
05. Temporary Object
06. Fireflies
07. Do You Need Me To Remind You?
08. Roach Hiss
09. Down When I'm Not
10. You Know I Do
11. Through The Walls
12. A Pair Of Questions
13. Evacuation
14. Heartfree
15. September City

Pre-orders are available now via Bandcamp.