THE HAUNTED Singer: 'I Want To F*ck, Kill And Destroy'
May 22, 2007THE HAUNTED frontman Peter Dolving has posted the following message on his MySpace page:
"Prague [Czech Republic]. I woke up in a boiling hot bus. No one here. I had a pineapple for dinner. That's all I could find. This is ridiculous.
"Right now I am insane. I feel out of control. I know it's OK and it will pass, but for now I want to fuck, kill and destroy — in every fucked-up, non positive way there is.
"Some nights I wish I had a hayfork on stage to just stick it in people, lift them up and take bites out of them, carve shapes in my own skin to ruin myself... Not everyone understands this type of emotions, so if that scares you, that's because you should rightfully fear it. My emotions of derangement are directed right at you — not at the ones who stand there through it and 45 minutes into the show looks me straight in the eye with love and total trust and smiles. Them I love. They are like me, I am like them.
"I want to push my thumbs into your brain through your eyes for looking at me as if you've never seen a human on fire in your life. As if you've never tasted real madness or fought your own insane passion. Yes, that is me puking his black heart out right in your face — you see, I know you have passion in too. I see you giving in after an hour of us pounding your senses with raw power. You think Tinkerbell feyness is going to do you good all your life? Think looking like a lifestyle magazine, moving like something you saw on TV is going to make me see you? Here's a little question, and perhaps it's something to think about; why did you really go to see THE HAUNTED? To shower your senses and your soul with a blazing torch or to be the critic to something you fear? I know you really know in the dark deep corners of your true self, living is feeling, not keeping it all at some low pace simmer. Today when I kicked you in the back plummeting your pale white young mans ass head first off the stage, I loved it. When my foot connected to the lower part of your spine and you took off fucking flying, my spirit soared.
"I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to hurt your alcohol-drenched idiotic preconcieved notions of what a metal show is.
"No, we're not going to fill some jack ass chain of event prerequisite MTV mould of braindead poses. You see — we want to entertain you. For real. We want you to give up your ordinary reality for a couple of hours of your life and not worry about what you fucking look like or sound like. We want to let the music help us all a little.
"Hot chick right at the edge of the stage doing sexy moves... Guess what girlie, you don't need to try and entice me. I don't want you. Sure, I'd like to split you open from your g-string to the base of your skull, eat your fucking soul and share the grimey bits with the other humans who've come to celebrate with us. Life, love, trust and madness and the strange dance it is. No. I am not your fucking rock star cool dude to mirror your sexuality, I ain't here for that shit. I am human. If was to have sex with you — you'd be traumatized for life.
"I need to get home and cut me a shitload of trees. Fuck the chainsaw — I'm using the axe this time. I'm gonna fucking run a marathon to spite myself.
"I NEED LIFE. Being on tour for seven months is ridiculous. I've seen more of the dudes in our band in their underwear than I have of my own kids since October and I am just about fucking ready for a break. Seriously.
"I need to rest my mind and get some physical fucking space, I need to hear the birds sing in my garden. I need to go swimming with my kids. I need to chop wood til my arms burn like fire. I need to sit and not talk about rock music to people who actually care about ME and not what I fucking do. I need to be human again, because right now I feel like a God Damned Cirkus Side show. I need to be naked without worrying about who's gonna take offense.
"Man, I need a break. I'm going insane."