THE PROJECT HATE To Sign New Record Deal, Re-Record Early Album

November 8, 2002

Sweden's THE PROJECT HATE, featuring Jörgen Sandström of ENTOMBED/GRAVE fame on lead vocals, are on the verge of signing a two-album deal with Holland's Mascot Records. "We hope for a good co-operation [between the band and the label]," stated guitarist Lord K (a.k.a. Kenth Philipson). "Anything is better than [previous label] Massacre anyways."

In other news, Sandström and Philipson will enter Stockholm's Sunlight Studios on Dec. 10 to record the next THE PROJECT HATE album, titled "The Project Hate - Deadmarch, The Initiation of Blasphemy".

"It's the album we recorded in 1998 that I decided not to release as I wasn't satisfied with the other people's performances on it," said Lord K. "This is what made me form TPH with Jörgen. This is the initiation to the blasphemy that is THE PROJECT HATE. Hence the title. Mia's vocals are excellent and probaby the best she ever did, and the songs are insanely good, as I wrote it and played it as always. With J doing the vocals, we have one more dominating piece of hell coming yer way. If you love us already, you will love us even more with this one. Then just imagine the fourth album that'll be recorded probably in the summer of 2003. There´s no end to the domination, lemme tell you that. Like you didn't already know."

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