September 13, 2007Guitarist Lord K. Philipson (THE PROJECT HATE, GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA),bassist/vocalist Jörgen Sandström (VICIOUS ART, THE PROJECT HATE, ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE) and drummer Tobias "Tobben" Gustafsson (VOMITORY) have joined forces in a new band called TORTURE DIVISION. According to Philipson, "The seed for this band's been going for a while. Me and Tobben discussed the possibilities of working on some more music together whenever the time was right. We came to the conclusion though that we wouldn't do it if we weren't a trio. And we also agreed that we wouldn't do it if J [Jörgen] didn't sing and play bass, being the third and final member. It should be us three and nothing else. Ever. We actually thought nothing would come out of it since we were pretty damn sure J would turn down the offer. We were wrong. TORTURE DIVISION was born. If one of us quits one day, TORTURE DIVISION is dead.
"What does it sound like? It sounds like... eh... torture. Not really, it sounds like fucken ass-groovy death metal with groove, tons of blastbeats and eh... groove. It's pretty damn fast most of the time — but to do nothing but the fast shit will eventually become boring, that's why we include parts that are so heavy and catchy that... ehum... seriously? Fuck it, it is death metal, and we love it.
"What's the goal with this? To be the fastest death metal band in the world. No song below 600 BPM. We also would like to announce that we are probably the most technical death metal platoon out there. NECROPHAGIST sounds like ZZ TOP compared to TORTURE DIVISION. Or not. The goal is to play awesome death metal without complicating shit at all. We don't pansy around, we don't show off. We play death metal. Do you know why? We fucken love death metal. And we are damn good at writing it, just so you know. We won't even look for a record deal. If someone approaches us, that's cool — then we might do an album. If not, it was always cooler to release demos anyways. Old school, you know.
"And the current plans would be? To play death metal, to record death metal and to perform death metal live to an unexpecting audience in the near future.
"So, this means you actually have material written? We have three songs done and ready to be recorded already. Two of them have lyrics, vocal lines and titles — the third one is in the works as I type this. 'Bludgeoning Your Flesh Into Dust' and 'Ejaculation Of The Wicked' are the finished ones. J is currently putting together the lyrics for number 3. We are not going to write any more songs before these 3 are recorded in a studio and released as a demo tape (demo CDR sounds so gay). We are currently checking out every possibility available to get this show on the road real fast."