TIM 'RIPPER' OWENS: I Am Perfectly Comfortable In My Role With YNGWIE MALMSTEEN's Band
June 3, 2009Sleaze Roxx recently conducted an interview with powerhouse American heavy metal vocalist Tim "Ripper" Owens (YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, BEYOND FEAR, ex-JUDAS PRIEST, ICED EARTH). A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
Sleaze Roxx: How long did the writing process for [Owens' solo album] "Play My Game" last? How about recording, how long did that take?
Owens: Well, that's a hard question to answer because I already had some of the songs written by the time I decided to go the solo direction. Some songs were already there when ICED EARTH and I split. Then I got to writing some more with Bob Kulick. I started to work on the album and I went and did the YNGWIE album, then came back, worked on the album some more and then we did some touring, then we came back and I wrapped it up. I'd say it's been a work in progress over the course of the past twelve months. I'd say somewhere in the area of three to four months. There are pros and cons to getting a break in between recording, but I think I prefer to just get the album written, recorded and released, you know? We wound up doing most of the recording out in Los Angeles because that's where all our contacts like management are located. It worked well, I think, but in the future I'd like to record here in Ohio because I have all the equipment to record and make a record right here. I can also stay close to home and stuff.
Sleaze Roxx: How have you taken to the role of "supporting artist" in the bands that you been involved with? Would you prefer to be the leader of a band, like with BEYOND FEAR or as a solo artist?
Owens: I'll admit I like having creative control in what makes it on my albums. I like the role I have in BEYOND FEAR and also as a solo artist. I am perfectly comfortable in my role with Yngwie Malmsteen's band, that's why it's called YNGWIE MALMSTEEN'S RISING FORCE. It's his band and a solo band. I hit the stage, I sing for 90 minutes, then leave and that's the gig.
Sleaze Roxx: Jon Schaffer stated that you had lost focus and were more focused on your solo career than on ICED EARTH. How accurate was that statement?
Owens: (pause) When I joined ICED EARTH, all I asked was to be given an opportunity to contribute. Though it was Jon's baby, it was presented in a band situation. I accepted. In the four years that there were songs and music being written I was presented with only two pieces of music to contribute to. I grew frustrated that I wasn't granted the opportunity to write. It wasn't about Jon using my material, because if it didn't work it didn't work and I was prepared for that. When Jon talks about losing focus, he's right. I grew frustrated and lost focus in what he was doing with ICED EARTH. I didn't know what he was writing; I wasn't interested in the storyline for "Something Wicked". I'm not a huge sci-fi guy to begin with, so when I was asked to go to comic conventions to promote the album I was out of place. As time passed, I was writing songs for use elsewhere and that could be looked as losing focus.
Sleaze Roxx: How do you feel about the albums that you recorded with ICED EARTH?
Owens: I think "The Glorious Burden" turned out great, I'm really proud of that album. I like my vocals on that album.
Sleaze Roxx: How are things between you and Jon these days?
Owens: You know, I haven't spoken to Jon in a while, actually. When he let me go, it was via email, so it wasn't over the phone or face to face. The last time I spoke to him was well before that email. I think it's probably best that we haven't talked, you know?
Read the entire interview from Sleaze Roxx.