TOMMY THAYER: KISS Has Been My 100 Percent Focus For Past 15 Years
June 4, 2005KISS guitarist Tommy Thayer recently answered a few questions from fans via his official web site. A few excerpts from the Q&A session follow:
Q: With all your expertise in many different areas of entertainment, are there any projects outside of KISS you'd like to do?
Tommy Thayer: "KISS is my 100 percent focus and it has been now for almost 15 years. Everything else pales in comparison. We just finished the KISS 'Rock the Nation Live!' DVD and it's spectacular and I feel proud to be a part of it. Doc (McGhee, manager) told me it will be coming out this fall, probably in October."
Q: Where do you plan to move to when you retire? I know it is years away but what is the plan?
Tommy Thayer: "That's very funny, retire? I'm just getting started!"
Q: Tommy, during the 'Rock The Nation' tour KISS played your hometown of Portland, Oregon. Because it was your mother's birthday were you able to work the schedule so you could be there for her or was it just by luck that you would be there? What was it like for you to be on stage as a member of KISS playing in your hometown in front of family? What did your mom think?
Tommy Thayer: "Well, first off, it was coincidence that we played Portland exactly on my mom's 80th. Playing in Portland with KISS was really like a dream come true. I was the 15-year-old kid packed in line outside the Portland Memorial Coliseum in the February 1976 chill waiting to see my favorite all-time band, which was a mind-blowing experience in itself. So fast forward almost 30 years and it's me up there instead; that's a bit heady if you think about it. My mom said it was one of the greatest things that's ever happen to her, especially when Paul [Stanley] announced her 80th birthday to 15,000 KISS party animals."
Q: Hey Tommy, just emailing to ask you, how does a music fan like me, get into the music management and music promotions?
Tommy Thayer: "Hey, Ben, you should get involved with bands or artists on the local level first and then build from there."