TRIVIUM Bassist Talks About Upcoming Album

February 26, 2006

In a recent interview with, TRIVIUM bassist Paolo Gregoletto spoke about the progress of the songwriting sessions for the group's upcoming third album, "The Crusade", which is tentatively scheduled to be recorded in April/May for a late 2006 release via Roadrunner Records.

"We're not deviating from what we’ve done," Gregoletto said of the direction of the new material. He described it as "more technical" with "bigger choruses," inspired by METALLICA, IRON MAIDEN and other metal acts big in the 1980s, specifically citing METALLICA's "… And Justice for All". Gregoletto said it is a love of that era that links all four members of TRIVIUM, all of whom have varied influences and interests (Gregoletto, for example, counts THE POLICE as one of his favorite bands, while drummer Travis Smith is huge fan of Southern rock). Look for the strong melodies that mark the band's last CD, "Ascendancy", to be an even stronger force on "The Crusade". While the screaming vocals will not disappear entirely, Gregoletto said, guitarist/vocalist Matt Heafy is moving toward more of a "heavy singing" style. The combination of singing and screaming can be rough on the vocals chords, Gregoletto said. Also, "the last album had a lot of good songs that were limited for what they could for us by the harshness."

Read the entire interview at

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