UFO 'Can Hardly Wait' For Start Of U.S. Tour

April 8, 2004

UFO have posted the following message on their official web site:

"Dear friends, we successfully finished the first part of the European tour (February 28 through March 28) and I am happy to say the new line up was fantastic. Everyone who saw the band live was very enthusiastic and said that UFO is now back on track, and generates an incredible live atmosphere. Vinnie Moore and Jason Bonham have truly and without doubt established themselves as full members of UFO! They're back home now for a well-earned break: Phil can fret about his neighbours again for always putting their dust bin out on the street much too early, Paul is working up some new keyboard sounds for the next tour and Jason is replacing all the old windows in his house. Pete has gone off to London to stay with a friend and is doing his best to get his American visa sorted in time for the coming US tour, while Vinnie is happy to be with his family in Delaware.

"22 April is the kick-off date for the USA tour - and the band can hardly wait to meet their American Fans. The show goes on!"

In other news, current UFO guitarist Vinnie Moore spoke to the Strangers In The Night web site about how he came to join the group and his long-running solo career. Asked how the initial contact was made between him and UFO frontman Phil Mogg, Vinnie said, "I got a call from my manager Frank Solomon who told me that our friend Jerry Carillo had told him that UFO was looking for a guitarist. Jerry is a soundman, tour manager and guitar tech. When I toured with Schenker in 1999, Jerry was the tour manager and guitar tech for both Michael and I. He was also soundman for UFO on their last tour. In his own head, he thought that I was the perfect fit for UFO. When Frank called to tell me about it, I have to be honest — I was not convinced that this was a great idea. I mean, I was always a big UFO and Michael Schenker fan but being the pessimistic guy that I am, I just wasn't sure about it. I initially assumed that they just wanted some hired hand to replace Michael. I went along with it though and sent out a CD of eleven of my tunes to Phil and figured that I would never hear any more about it. However, I got a call about five days later saying that Phil wanted me to be the new guitarist in UFO, but wanted to send my tunes to Pete and Paul to see if they felt the same way he did. At first I felt like, wait a minute here - I am not entirely sure I want to do this. As I got more and more info though, it sounded better and better. The band wanted a guitarist who is an equal member and who is a major contributor with songwriting... etc. Being a real member and contributor is what sealed it for me. I am, in my own head, beyond the point of being some hired hand in someone else's band. I had this role in Alice Cooper's band a while back, and it just isn't appealing for me anymore. Really wasn't then to be honest and this is why I didn't last in that situation. I want to have a major role in anything I am involved with. There are exceptions though, I would gladly be a hired hand in THE BRITNEY SPEARS BAND, but this is different because I would have a damn nice ass to look at onstage every night. We all have our own price huh?? Heeheee. From there, I started sending songs to Phil and he was writing lyrics for them. When we had enough stuff, we went into the studio to rehearse and then record." Read the rest of the interview here.

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