Video: DAVE LOMBARDO's PHILM Performs In Prague

September 10, 2015

Fan-filmed video footage of PHILM's September 7 concert at Klub 007 Strahov in Prague, Czech Republic can be seen below.

PHILM features former SLAYER drummer Dave Lombardo alongside guitarist/vocalist Gerry Paul Nestler (CIVIL DEFIANCE) and bassist Francisco "Pancho" Eduardo Tomaselli (WAR).

Asked what prompted the decision to forgo the improvisational aspect of the first PHILM album in favor of a more structured, creative approach on the group's follow-up effort, "Fire From The Evening Sun", Dave told Full Metal Jackie: "Well, I heard the reviews and read the reviews and took in consideration what journalists and fans were feeling and saying, and I felt it was time us to make an album like this. We showed them what we could do in the avant grade world and the improvisational style of writing, but that was something for that album. And on this one, we just wanted to make it a little more concise and complete with some solid structures and songs that would appeal more to, let's say, the metal fan base rather than to a more avant garde or jazz style. Which makes total sense, 'cause that's where my fans are, so I need to give them what they want."

Regarding what the most unusual thing is for him about being in a more creative role in PHILM than he was in some of his previous projects, Dave said: "I think it's how fluid the creative process is. We are all in a room together and we press 'record' and we start playing, and whatever it is that happens at that moment is captured. And what we do is listen back to those recordings. They can be, like, 20 minutes to a half-an-hour improvisation session. Then what we do is listen for theā€¦ I call them little gems that you cut out of these session. And then we take that music and then we'll structure a complete song around that improvisation. So that's unique and it's unusual for me, because I've worked in the past with musicians that give you a set idea on what they want. And it leaves no room for creativity. It's just from one person; it's not like a fusion or a collective effort."

"Fire From The Evening Sun" was released on September 16, 2014 (one day earlier internationally) via UDR.


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