WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH: Part 4 Of U.S. Tour Documentary Posted Online
April 26, 2010Berlin, Germany's WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH has uploaded the fourth in a series of webisodes featuring documentary-style footage of the band's 2008 U.S. tour. Watch the clip below.
WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH's latest album, "In Shoals", was released in April 2009 via Lifeforce Records. The follow-up to 2007's "Transmetropolitan" was recorded in November/December 2008 at Dailyhero Recordings in Berlin.
The band previously stated about the CD: "'In Shoals' is our second full-length record and we spent a lot of time with thinking about how we wanted it to sound like and what kind of spirit we wanted for it. We decided to record everything all natural this time, so there are no drum triggers or direct signals. We didn't want a lifeless metal production, we wanted something original and alive...and we got what we wanted in the end. With our new singer Nico (formerly of THE OCEAN),we found a perfect match to the sound we were going for. He covers so much more ranges than the stereotype low grunts and high pitched screams, which was really important to us. Lyrically he and Simon teamed up to get the best out of their vision.
"'In Shoals' has a strong political approach and tells a lot about how we feel about the state of today's world. The word 'Shoal' is an uncommon word for a swarm and the title and lyrics of the opening track — 'They come in Shoals' — should explain a lot about its meaning and what the record deals with mostly."
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