WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH Recording Full-Length Debut

February 13, 2007

German newcomers WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH are currently at Daily Hero studios in Berlin laying down 10 tracks for their Lifeforce Records debut album, entitled "Transmetropolitan". A September release is expected. The band has posted a studio diary with photos and videos. Check it out at this location.

WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH has been confirmed as the support act on the European tour featuring DYING FETUS, SKINLESS and CATTLE DECAPITATION beginning in May. Exact cities and dates will be announced soon.

Hailing from Germany's capital city Berlin, WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH came together with a clear goal: to mix up math-/grindcore with straight hardcore and a fine blend of jazz! Three months later the band recorded a few tracks as a three-piece at Berlin's famous Dailyhero Recordings. After the tracks were posted online on the group's MySpace page, the recordings received over 400,000 plays and helped them get the attention of — and finally a deal with — Twelve Gauge Records from California. Twelve Gauge released WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH's split CD with MOLOTOV SOLUTION (Las Vegas) in August 2006. In the months that followed, WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH played a number of shows and festivals all over Germany, Austria and Poland with bands like THE CHARIOT, ARCHITECTS, SCARS OF TOMORROW and their friends TIME HAS COME and AFTER RISING SUN.


Feb. 23 - DE - Hannover @ S.O.M.A Music Club
Feb. 24 - DE - Rheinbach @ Ahorn
Mar. 02 - DE - Giessen @ MUK

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