Watch: FRANK BELLO Performs With ANTHRAX For First Time In More Than A Year

October 13, 2024

Bassist Frank Bello played his first show with ANTHRAX in nearly a year and a half Saturday night (October 12) at the Aftershock festival in Sacramento, California. Fan-filmed video of the concert can be seen below.

Bello and ANTHRAX were supposed to perform at the Louder Than Life festival in Louisville, Kentucky on September 27, but their show ended up being canceled due to severe weather.

Prior to Aftershock, Bello last played with ANTHRAX in May 2023 at the Milwaukee Metal Fest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

In April and early May, Bello sat out ANTHRAX's South American tour as well as two U.S. festival dates due to "personal reasons." Filling in on those shows was ANTHRAX founding member and original bassist Dan Lilker, marking his first appearance with the band in 40 years. Lilker, who co-wrote and played on ANTHRAX's debut album "Fistful Of Metal", was also a member of STORMTROOPERS OF DEATH with ANTHRAX drummer Charlie Benante and guitarist Scott Ian.

Frank made his live debut with Norwegian black metal veterans SATYRICON on June 6 at the Sweden Rock Festival in Sölvesborg, Sweden.

Bello played bass for SATYRICON for the band's summer 2024 European festival appearances, including Hellfest in France and Tons Of Rock in Norway.

Frank released a memoir, "Fathers, Brothers, And Sons: Surviving Anguish, Abandonment, And Anthrax", in October 2021 via Rare Bird. The foreword to the book was written by KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons.

Bello recently joined the Spector artist roster. Spector is currently developing the Frank Bello signature bass and it will be released in 2025. In the meantime, Frank will be exclusively playing Spector basses for rehearsals, recording, and on the upcoming European tour this November during ANTHRAX's co-headlining tour with German thrash titans KREATOR with Bay Area thrashers TESTAMENT.

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