WE ARE THE FALLEN Singer Says EVANESCENCE Comparisons Are 'Disrespectful To Both Bands' Fans'
May 8, 2010Maxine Shen of the New York Post recently conducted a short interview with WE ARE THE FALLEN singer and former "American Idol" contestant Carly Smithson. The question-and-answer session follows below.
New York Post: Why did you decided to join a band instead of go solo like other "American Idol" stars have done?
Smithson: Performing alone was always really uncomfortable for me. I felt like there was nobody on stage for me to feed of energy-wise and the stage seemed to swallow me more and more every performance. Fronting a band was always my goal. While working on my post-"Idol" music, I always kept in mind that I wanted to make a band. I just never imagined it would be with such amazingly talented musicians. We understand and complement each other so well. I feel now that I am where I'm meant to be.
New York Post: What lessons did you learn from being on "Idol"?
Smithson: "Idol" taught me to reach for the highest point and never take anything less. Simon [Cowell, judge] helped me find a confidence in myself that I never knew. The show gave me a work ethic that I am very grateful for and a platform to achieve my goals.
New York Post: What's your take on the band being compared to EVANESCENCE [WE ARE THE FALLEN includes three former members of EVANESCENCE] and you being a dead ringer for [EVANESCENCE singer] Amy Lee?
Smithson: The only people that are comparing us really are the media who haven't even listened to our music yet. It's just a juicy and blown out of proportion story right now for journalists, but it's really confusing and disrespectful to both bands' fans. These songs are personal and from our hearts and that's what counts, not what color my hair is. Our fans come to our show to hear our music, not to be part of some garbage drama that really, in our world, doesn't exist.
New York Post: Favorite song on [WE ARE THE FALLEN's debut album] "Tear the World Down"?
Smithson: My favorite song on the record is called "Sleep well, My Angel". Though the song had been written prior to the album being made, I recorded the vocals the morning after I lost a close friend. The emotion captured in the performance will stay with me for my life. It's such a beautiful song.