WE ARE THE RIOT Featuring COAL CHAMBER Members: 2012 Teaser Available

January 13, 2012

A 2012 "teaser" from WE ARE THE RIOT, the new Los Angeles, California-based "post-punk" project featuring COAL CHAMBER members Miguel "Meegs" Rascon (guitar) and Mikal "Mikey" Cox (drums),can be seen below.

WE ARE THE RIOT's current lineup is rounded out by Andy Cole (bass),Jonny Sculls Flanagan (vocals) and Cheyne Fritts (guitar).

In an interview with Hollywood Music Magazine, Meegs stated about WE ARE THE RIOT, "The music that Iā€™m playing in WE ARE THE RIOT is exactly representative of where I'm at as an artist right now. The chemistry, bond, and unity in this band is beyond anything I expected. Everyone in this band is literally in unison, musically and personality-wise. I'm having so much goddamn fun with a bunch of musicians that are very talented and very emotional. Chaotic, raw and insane."

WE ARE THE RIOT made its live debut on January 14, 2011 at The Juke Joint in Anaheim, California.

For more information, visit www.wearetheriot.net.

COAL CHAMBER ā€” which is fronted by current DEVILDRIVER singer Dez Fafara ā€” will reform for next year's Soundwave festival in Australia.


"With Your Violence" video:

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