January 15, 2010Candlelight Records has announced the signing of U.K.'s WODENSTHRONE.
Commented the band: "WODENSTHRONE are very excited to be working with Candlelight Records; a label that has always embraced quality black metal and pioneered many artists we hold in high esteem. To be on the same label as one of our biggest influences, EMPEROR, is an incredible and humbling achievement for us. We hope this new alliance with one of metal's most recognizable labels will take us to a new level in our musical careers and give us the opportunity to expose our art to a wider audience and finally take our live performances beyond the shores of Albion. The band hope this is the start of a lasting relationship with Candlelight and we are convinced that U.K. black metal is heading for a renaissance under their banner."
WODENSTHRONE was formed in Winterfylleð of 2005, in the Sundered Lands of North Eastern England, by founding members Brunwulf, Wildeþrýð, Gerádwine, and Hréowsian.
In these formative days, the clan's sound was raw and primitive, but still hinted at a sense of sorrow, with lyrics focusing on the darker aspects of England's history.
However, by Eostremonað of 2006, the clan's music had developed both technically and melodically, and so Æðelwalh was recruited on synths. It was at this point that WODENSTHRONE truly began to resemble their current incarnation, growing both musically and conceptually.
After a number of live assaults, the clan self-recorded the song "A Tribute To Our Glorious Dead" on a 16-track, and thus the split seven-inch single with fellow kinsmen NIROTH was born. The clan also entered the studio to record two more songs, "Scinlaeca" and "These Isolated Lands", which would eventually emerge on the "Over The Binding Of The Waves" split CD with FOLKVANG (Belarus) on Ancient Nation Records.
However, the clan still felt incomplete, and so comrade Eldbeorn joined the clan on guitar in the Blotmonað of 2006, completing the lineup and adding further depths of melody and savagery to the clan's sound.
At the dawn of 2007, despite being hindered by personal circumstances, the clan re-entered the studio to record "The Scouring" and to put the finishing touches to their material for the split with FOLKVANG.
In Ðrimilcemonað of 2007, the clan were greatly honoured to appear live alongside NEGURA BUNGET and Fen in the Sundered Lands; one of the defining moments in the band's history. Later that month the clan also confirmed their alliance with Bindrune Recordings, and began focusing on their debut full-length.
During the Weodmonað of 2007, Eldbeorn decided to leave the clan for personal reasons, and so Rædwalh, of THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH, was asked to join in his stead. His addition to the band has cemented the twin-guitar approach WODENSTHRONE values and feels best captures their spirit in the live setting.
While spending time with NEGURA BUNGET in Ðrimilcemonað of 2007, the clan were made an offer to record their then-written debut album, "Loss", in Romania. The Liða of 2008 saw that opportunity realized when "Loss" was recorded during a two week period at Negura Studios in Timisoara. With Huppogramos and Arioch at the studio helm, the band worked arduously in the oppressive heat of a Transylvanian summer to craft the album, ensuring that no fine details of their musical vision were undeveloped. During that fortnight, with no time to even begin to mix their opus, the clan worked late into every night to record their performances ready for the final masterstrokes, which were provided by Huppogramos, lasting into early 2009.
Like any work of art carefully crafted over a long period of time, "Loss" represents a journey as cathartic and rewarding as it was tiring and testing. And now it finally stands as a bold testament not only to the aforementioned journey itself but also as a majestic threnody to Old Albion. With its release, WODENSTHRONE intend to carve their own path through black metal and, while paying homage to the many muses of old, shed new light on the progressive wave of art they have come to represent.
Upon the clan's return to their homeland, and after much consideration since their journey to Romania, it was decided that Æðelwalh would leave WODENSTHRONE due to personal differences with the band. After searching for a suitable replacement, Árfæst has now joined the clan to provide keys and ambience as well as add to the lore of WODENSTHRONE due to his involvement with the enigmatic THE AXIS OF PERDITION, AUREOLIS (also featuring Hréowsian and Rædwalh) and PHALEG, among others. The band will develope their sound and strengthen their unity even further with the addition of Árfæst.