Organic Hallucinosis
EaracheTrack listing:
01. A Poem About an old Prison Man
02. Day 69
03. Revelation of Existence (The Trip)
04. Post(?)Organic
05. Visual Delusion
06. Flash-B(l)ack
07. Invisible Control
It took me a few spins to get use to the tough-guy death metal barking style of new vocalist Covan. It is such a major departure from the style of Sauron. Covan's delivery is more intelligible, though the vocal patterns can be a too samey at times (even for death metal). On the other hand, the guy's vocal presence is far more commanding than that of his predecessor. Those little nuggets of criticism aside, "Organic Hallucinosis" is every bit the machete-wielding, stick-fighting madman of an album that you've come to expect from the Polish youngsters.
The attack is one of surgical six-string precision, riff choppery, and rhythmic jackhammering. "Organic Hallucinosis" contains some of the most lethal guitar work you're likely to hear on a death metal album this year; shit, probably last year and next year as well. The interplay, the biting tone, and the razor sharp soloing are damn near orgasmic at times. At several points along the way, a certain part is played that that either makes you stop whatever it is you're doing and pay strict attention or has you mouthing "goddamn!" "Day 69" has moments of both, a moaning riff that would work well as accompaniment to a wounded victim seconds away from death and some NILE-like guitar runs two cases in point. Covan does break from his bark to unleash a screaming vocal that hints at the potential for a more varied approach.
As for the rest, song dissection would take pages, but I'll give you at least a taste of what to expect. "Post(?)Organic" possesses a tight bass/drum attack and staccato riff bursts that will knock your equilibrium out of wack! There is monstrous r break in this one that features two riffs going off in different directions — unexpected and friggin' great! Then toward the end the song goes into an oddly timed, syncopated riff scrape. One part of "Visual Delusion" features the multiple axes producing an almost melodic, though misshapen, counter play. The tech groove on "Flash-B(l)ack" is pure crunchy sickness. As for the rhythm section, Vitek's drumming is not only fast, it is wonderfully textured, sometimes awe-inspiring and sometimes inducing projectile vomiting. It's nice to be able to hear Martin's active bass lines in the mix as well.
Hey, we wall know that on previous releases DECAPITATED moved like a well-oiled machine. Things haven't changed on "Organic Hallucinosis".