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Acclaimed Guitarist AMY SCHUGAR Lands Endorsement Deal

Acclaimed female guitarist/songwriter Amy Schugar has landed an endorsement deal with Daisy Rock Guitars after having attended music trade show NAMM earlier this year. Daisy Rock Guitars is a relatively new company that has many heavy hitters including Ann and Nancy Wilson from HEART endorsing their...
July 12, 2004

WATCH THEM DIE Commence Songwriting Process For New Album

Oakland-based purveyors of aggression WATCH THEM DIE will embark on a national U.S. tour alongside BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, CATTLE DECAPITATION and GOATWHORE this summer. The trek kicks off on July 25 and wraps up on August 19. The group have just returned home after completing a highly successful run w...
June 28, 2004

WIDOW To Release 'On Fire' Early Next Year

Raleigh, NC-based melodic thrashers WIDOW have set "On Fire" as the title of their new album, due in early 2005 on Tribunal Records. They have also added new vocalist Lili to the group. "Lili adds a new dimension to our music," stated lead guitarist Cristof. "I will continue to sing and so will John...
June 19, 2004

SLIPKNOT's SID WILSON To Release Vinyl Record

According to the SLIPKNOT fan site, SLIPKNOT's DJ Sid Wilson (a.k.a. DJ Starscream) will release a vinyl record called "Full Metal Scratch-it" this summer via N2O Records. This record features the breaks and sounds that DJ Starscream has used onstage and in the studio for the past t...
June 9, 2004

KISS Bassist GENE SIMMONS Offends Australian Muslims

Alex Wilson of the Australian Associated Press is reporting that KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons has caused an uproar among Australia's Muslim community by launching an attack on Islamic culture while in Melbourne. Simmons, who is currently touring Australia with KISS, launched an attack on Musli...
May 14, 2004

SEBASTIAN BACH, ACE FREHLEY Collaboration Available For Download

Former SKID ROW frontman Sebastian Bach has posted the following message on his official web site: "How cool is this! The song I recorded with Anton Fig & Ace Frehley, 'Know Where You Go', is available for download NOW at the iTunes website! To record together with Ace & Anton is a dream ...
April 26, 2004

SLIPKNOT Record New CD At 'The Haunted House'

SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor recently told The Grand Rapids Press that the band had a series of "unusual" experiences while living at the Harry Houdini Mansion in Laurel Canyon, Calif., with producer Rick Rubin to lay down tracks for the upcoming "Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses)". "Oh, it's haunted...
April 20, 2004

SKINLAB To Release 2-CD Set Of Rarities, Alternate Mixes

In a celebration of the Oakland-based SKINLAB's decade-long career, they will release a double-disc set, entitled "Nerve Damage" on April 20 through Century Media Records. This set comprises 34 tracks, including two new cuts, "Losing All" and "Beneath The Surface", alongside previously unreleased de...
March 3, 2004

METALLICA's HETFIELD Among Contributors To WEST MEMPHIS THREE Book Anthology

METALLICA frontman James Hetfield is one of the contributors to Brett Alexander Savory and M. W. Anderson's West Memphis Three anthology, "Last Pentacle of the Sun: Writings in Support of the West Memphis Three", due in early October through Arsenal Pulp Press. Sales of "Last Pentacle of the Sun: Wr...
February 22, 2004

SLIPKNOT's TAYLOR On New Album: 'People Are Either Going To Love This Or Hate It'

SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor has spoken to Billboard magazine about the group's much-anticipated follow-up to 2001's "Iowa", due on May 25 through Roadrunner Records. "People are either going to love this or hate it," Taylor said. "We've never been a middle-of-the-road band, and we're either going...
February 16, 2004

Report: The Long, Slow Decline Of Ex-MEAT PUPPETS Bassist CRIS KIRKWOOD

Michael Kiefer of The Arizona Republic reports that when former MEAT PUPPETS bassist Cris Kirkwood first was arrested on drug charges in March 1996, he had 170 pounds on his 5-foot-11 frame. When he was arrested last month on charges of assault with a dangerous weapon, he weighed 300 (a result of bi...
January 17, 2004

Girlfriend Of Ex-MEAT PUPPETS Bassist Says He's Being Mistreated While In Custody

Ruth Wilson, the girlfriend of former MEAT PUPPETS bassist Cris Kirkwood, has issued an update on his condition via the Cris Kirkwood Yahoo! group [email protected]. Kirkwood, 43, is charged with assault with a deadly weapon at a federal facility for allegedly striking a security guard wi...
January 10, 2004

MACABRE Confirm First U.K. Date In Almost 10 Years

Chicago's MACABRE will play Underworld in London on Saturday, February 21, 2004. The band have not played in the United Kingdom in almost ten years and are planning something very special to mark the occasion. MACABRE have also added a hometown gig to end the string of March U.S. dates at Oasis 160...
December 30, 2003


RAG MEN, the New York-based band featuring frontman Jorge Rosado (MERAUDER, GOD IS I),guitarist Mitts (SKARHEAD, CROWN OF THORNZ),bassist Ian "Bulldog" Edwards (FREYA, ex-EARTH CRISIS),and drummer Rigg Ross (SKARHEAD, ex-HATEBREED),have signed a European record deal with Gangstyle Records. The g...
October 8, 2003

METALLICA's HETFIELD To Contribute To WEST MEMPHIS 3 Benefit Publication

METALLICA frontman James Hetfield will be contributing to an as-yet-unnamed anthology publication to benefit the legal defense of the West Memphis Three (a.k.a. Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin),who were allegedly convicted unfairly of murder. Published by Arsenal Pulp Press in Va...
August 4, 2003