ACE FREHLEY: 'I Don't Hang Out With The Party Crowd Anymore'

April 7, 2016

In a brand new interview with The Weeklings, original KISS guitarist Ace Frehley was asked what the "rock-bottom moment" was for him that helped him get sober nearly ten years ago. He responded: "I got a call from my daughter, Monique. She said, 'Dad, you gotta stop, you're going down a bad path.' I looked at myself in the mirror and knew she was right. That was my moment of clarity. I knew I had to make a change, and thank God for it. A lot of fans say, 'Ace, you helped me get sober. I figured if you could do it, I could do it too.' That makes my day."

Frehley went on to say that he relied on friends and family to get him through the toughest period and help him stay on the right path. He explained: "I had been to some AA meetings in the past, so it wasn't new to me. I knew I could get help and I knew I had friends there. So, yeah, I knew I had a support group in place; it was just a matter of utilizing them and reaching out. With the help of a 12-step program and the help of prayer and my family, I get through one day at a time. I can't believe it'll be ten years this September. Miracles do happen."

Frehley also talked about the the ever-important step of finding new friends while he was early in his recovery from addiction. He said: "When you change your life, you change the people that you hang out with. I don't hang out with the party crowd anymore. I connect with people who are healthier in mind and spirit. I met a great gal seven years ago and she's taught me how to enjoy life without drugs and alcohol."

According to Ace, maintaining a healthy lifestyle on the road is essential in sobriety, especially early sobriety. He said: "I don't anything real specific. I just try to focus on a high protein, low-fat diet, get some exercise and drink a lot of water. I take some vitamins, but I'm not a vitamin nut or anything. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I don't believe in anything to the extreme. I don't eat a lot of red meat, but I still love a steak once in a while."

Read the entire interview at The Weeklings.

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