ARCH ENEMY's ALISSA WHITE-GLUZ Discusses Animal Rights, Being Vegan In New Video Interview
June 24, 2014A new Peta2.de video interview with ARCH ENEMY/ex-THE AGONIST vocalist Alissa White-Gluz in which she discusses her "greatest passion," animal rights, can be seen below.
Says Alissa: "Is it hard to be vegan? Absolutely not. It would be hard to NOT be vegan.
"Although we just scratch the surface [in this interview], the reason I'm so passionate about living vegan is because it benefits the environment (fauna and flora),humans in other parts of the world, animals and my own health.
"I've been vegan for 15 years now and I have yet to find a lifestyle that gives as much back to the planet. The way I see it, I am lucky to be alive and well and I only wish the same for others.
"I'm happy to help anyone interested in this lifestyle and I've rebutted against literally every concern/argument there is over the years, on this page and others.
"If you have a hard time understanding what it's about, please do some research on your own when you have the time. The facts are there, it's just a matter of accepting reality and choosing to be a part of the solution instead of the problem."
ARCH ENEMY's new album, "War Eternal", sold around 8,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to enter The Billboard 200 chart at position No. 44.
The band's last CD, "Khaos Legions", opened with around 6,000 units back in June 2011 to land at No. 78.
ARCH ENEMY's 2007 effort, "Rise Of The Tyrant", debuted at No. 84 with first-week U.S. sales of around 8,900 approximately 25 percent less than the opening number (12,000) of its predecessor, 2005's "Doomsday Machine" (which landed at No. 87).
"War Eternal" was released on June 10 in North America via Century Media Records. The cover artwork was created by Costin Chioreanu.
ARCH ENEMY played its first show with Alissa White-Gluz, former vocalist of THE AGONIST, on May 23 at Turbohalle in Bucharest, Romania. Angela Gossow, who joined ARCH ENEMY in 2000 and made her debut on the now-classic "Wages Of Sin" (2001),has stepped down as frontwoman and will focus on management, while Alissa takes her place.