CHARLIE BENANTE Says SCOTT IAN Is 'Supercharged' And 'Excited' About Material For Next ANTHRAX Album

August 26, 2017

Lana Morgan of Milwaukee's 102.9 The HOG radio station recently conducted an interview with ANTHRAX drummer Charlie Benante. You can listen to the full chat using the Soundcloud widget below. A few excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On ANTHRAX's "rebirth" after the release of 2011's "Worship Music":

Charlie: "We really got a second chance at really, really enjoying what we love to do and the feedback from a lot of the fans and newer fans has been tremendous. With that, it really helped the momentum to grow. When we're up there, we're really enjoying it. It's not some shtick; Joey [Belladonna, vocals] doesn't say the same thing every night. We're inspired by it all and it's very spontaneous."

On working with producer Jay Ruston:

Charlie: "Sonically, Jay really captures the band at this time, at this moment. I've said this in the past — he's become another member of the band. He's got really good ears and I love bouncing stuff off of him. He's really important to the whole mix."

On whether he's been writing new material:

Charlie: "Actually, I have. I've sent some stuff to the guys, and Scott [Ian, guitar] was really supercharged and he was excited. I'm just going to continue. I like getting that type of feedback. It just helps for me to get inspired. I know I'm on the right path. I like to have about six to eight songs that are real ANTHRAX-type of songs. Then I can go a little left field, the other way, and try something else. But I like to have that solid foundation."

On ANTHRAX's upcoming tour plans:

Charlie: "This South American portion is probably going to take us from October into November. So, I don't know what we're planning for the rest of the year. We may do a little something. Nothing is really talked about or said."

On his own brand of coffee, "Benante's Blend":

Charlie: "I'm trying to come up with some other blends with Dark Matter [Coffee Co.], who are the coffee company who I merged with. They're out of Chicago. Actually, this week, we're going to get together and discuss some future beans."

On the upcoming thirtieth-anniversary re-release of 1988's "State Of Euphoria", an album that members of ANTHRAX have publicly expressed displeasure over:

Charlie: "I just spent basically a whole year putting together that package that's going to come out next year, which is going to be the 'State Of Euphoria' deluxe edition. And, really, after listening to it again and again and again, I've discovered things about it and, of course, there was a time and a place and we all lived it, but, the reason why we were a bit unhappy with it was just that we felt we were so rushed. If that album maybe had a little bit more time, I think we would have done a few things differently here and there. That's all. The second disc that will be on that will show you the evolution of the songs, from actual just guitar riffs, to rehearsal, to tracking, to actual song."

On whether ANTHRAX will tour off the thirtieth-anniversary edition of "State Of Euphoria":

Charlie: "Yup, that's possible."

ANTHRAX released a limited tour edition of its latest studio album, "For All Kings", in February. In addition to the regular album, it included "Vice Of the People" (previously only available in Japan) as well as a bonus disc of demo versions of several of the album's songs.

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